Less Blah Blah More Ah Ha: Chapter 17 - How to Go from Zero in Escrow to Boo-Yah in Thirty Days or Less "You sort of start thinking anything's possible if you've got enough nerve." ~ J. K. Rowling Big problem. You’re sipping tall, iced Cinnamon Dolce Lattes. Chit-chatting. Your girlfriend Sall...
What is the Curse-Of-Experience? The skies were tall, blue and sun glasses bright. Lounging in circled chairs sat 3 supremely smart real estate types, and me. One woman and three dudes. We were in Austin, sitting in The GoodLife Team's backyard. We met to share ideas and shoot the breeze abou...
Fear Of Loss. Nobody wants to overpay. According to experts, Fear of Loss is a greater motivator that the Desire For Gain. In my personal and professional experience, I’d have to agree. Do you think it’s true for you? Here’s how you can test yourself. Ask yourself these questions. Do I have g...
Real Life Is About People and Relationships. A single guy spies a single girl standing over there – inspecting exotic horderves. Sensing his gaze, Tammy turns his way. Smiles. Then touches her red hair. Bill smiles back, takes a drink of his drink, glides across the room and introduces himsel...
No Sky Rocket = No Free Fall In the great state of Texas in general and The Woodlands specifically, we’re fortunate. When real estate markets across the nation were rock n’ roll’n with 20% or more appreciation per year, our local appreciate rates here were stuck in the puny low single digit ran...
There are 3 types of real estate agents. Those that have forgotten more bright ideas than they can remember. Those filling their heads with all the new bright ideas they can find. Those that have both forgotten more than they can remember and are always on the lookout for new bright ideas. There...
Ask Me Again And I’ll Pull The Trigger! Or, How To Sell More. By Ken Brand on November 22, 2010 | Days Blur . . . You’re exhausted and frustrated. You’re working hard and smart; networking, holding open houses, showing buyers, running comps, social mediaing, schlepping laundry, carpooling kids t...
I Was Mortified, My Facebook Account Was Hacked, And I Was The Last To Know. You’ve heard the story, maybe you’ve even lived it? Some clown figured out how to hack into your Facebook account and then things got downright nasty, embarrassing and painful . Besides offending and deleting your fri...
Once Upon A Time. . . People believed leisure suits, contrast stiching and elephant collars made you look cool and tee-refic. Men and some women believed women shouldn't vote. Black, brown and other colors were unequal. If you were pregnant, it was OK to smoke and drink. It was also forgivable ...
Why Dunbar 150 is dead- long live BIG social media networks By Ken Brand on August 2, 2010 | 3 Responses “Relations are starting to matter more than relationships.” ~ Adam Singer. Don’t freak out. This doesn’t mean that conventionally defined relationships are DOA. Cultivating and nurturing our...