Chapter Seven from the book Less Blah Blah More Ah Ha - How social savvy real estate agents become trusted, preferred, referred -- and rewarded. The Golden Rule 2.0 "Anybody running beats anybody walking, anybody walking beats anybody sitting."-Tom Bunk The Golden Rule 1.0 It was forty-five years...
When your hear and read about LOWER Than Low Mortgage Interest Rates, this is what the experts are talking about. This is a 5 year chart for 15 Year Mortgages looks like. How does an Awesome-LOW mortgage rate effect your monthly mortgage payment? It's one thing to read about historically low mort...
I was so thankful to have the cool people at ask some interesting questions relating to my book Less Blah Blah More Ah Ha. Here’s one of them. From a client perspective, what should I expect out of my real estate agent today? How do I establish a relationship of trust with him or ...
Chapter Six: Why the future of your future is psychographic / from the book From Less Blah Blah More Ah Ha / How social savvy real estate agents become trusted, preferred, referred — and referred. Why the Future of Your Future Is Psychographic “Whatever you are, be a good one.” ~ Abraham Lincol...
Chapter Three from the book: Less Blah Blah More Ah Ha - How social savvy real estate agents become trusted, preferred, referred -- and rewarded. Earning True-Blue Trust and Credibility “One can never be sure what a deserted area looks like.” ~ George Carlin Still thinking about that five-lett...
Chapter Four of the book: Less Blah Blah More Ah Ha - How social savvy real estate agents become trusted, preferred, referred -- and rewarded. Make Top of Mind Awareness Work for You “If you have a talent, use it in every which way possible. Don't hoard it. Don't dole it out like a miser. Spend ...
Surprise! We’re Not in the Real Estate Business. “Any opportunity to be helpful is an opportunity to earn money.” – Chris Brogan, Trust Agents I love eating out. In particular, I love to eat dinner at Fleming’s Steak House. If you haven’t been, you should go. Now, in Houston, Texas where I live...
[caption id="attachment_5441" align="aligncenter" width="550" caption="From the book Less Blah Blah More Ah Ha: Chapter One - The Two True Secrets To Success"][/caption] What it takes to succeed in real estate? My answer is what I call The True Two Secrets to Success. They are: Knowing What Oth...
Can I get a smoke, man? You know who I’m talking about don’t ya? That freaking moucher who always wants to know if you can spare a smoke, a short-cut, a few minutes, a favor or an idea. That guy who’s always bumming something from somebody because they won’t carry their own weight. Everybody th...
Carbon and Kindle versions of my book will be available for reading by the end of July, 2011. Woot! I'll update the site with ordering info and relevant links when it drops. In the mean time, if you have questions or comments, feel free to give me a call [ cell: 832-797-1779 ] or lea...