Horses need a place to live too. There is also a nice home for the humans. SmileThis is a nice horse set up with tack and feed room, 3 corrals with covers. All black pipe and some partail black pipe fencing around South West corner of property. Owner was going to install a roping arena. So there ...
There is now a Horse Property Group. Join so we can network and discuss property and the ins and outs of what a horse property is. For one thing just because it has zoning for horses doesn't make it a horse property. Just because there is a couple of acres doesn't mean it is a horse property. Ju...
I have been in sales for a long long time. Prior to selling Real Estate I sold garden supplies to the big stores and little nursuries. Before that I dabbled in the loan/mortgage industry. That being said I have had a boss or two that made similar comments. I still think about those comments.Mo...
Man is it hot down there. I mean it is Africa hot. Well here in Prescott the mercury is rising too. We are to hit the mid 90's. So I have a question for you as I am sitting in this open house. What do you do to keep cool in weather temps like this. I have a few suggestions and turning up the A/C ...
I say this tongue in cheek. As Realtors we all know that selling or buying Real Estate is an emotional roller coaster. It is going to have ups and downs. Buyers:1. Buyer's Remorse - You know the "this is the huge purchase am I doing the right thing?"2. Buyer getting tired of lender asking for thi...
So now the buyers are playing the wait and see game. they don't want to miss a good home and they also want to wait until the bottom reaches on the market place. Where is that?just in the Prescott area I am seeing price reductions everyday. What I have noticed is the homes are dropping playing th...
I just got off the phone with an agent I have known for a long time. She works hard and keeps in touch with her sphere of influence. She called me to vent. She was really angry. She has been friends with this other lady a long time. She just took her to lunch a week or so ago. They talked about ...
The market is definitely in the buyers favor here in the Prescott tri-city area. We are seeing inventory go up and up and prices keep falling and falling. The hardest thing now is helping buyers find the right property and then convincing them when to offer. We have seen offers 15-20% below askin...
Here is a fantastic lot for you next home. It is located in the Prescott area at Talking Rock Ranch. Nice flat lot with natural vegetation and the 7th green off the rear, yet far enough away to help keep errant balls from impeding on your BBQ's. The protective CC&R's and architectural guideline...
I am getting so tired of getting emails from the African area about these incredible riches. They say all I have to do is open a bank account and let them transfer millions of dollars over. For this I get a cooperation fee of say 10 million. Is there something in my email address or printed on my...