Peninsula Homes by Kevin Dalonzo

Real Estate Agent - Intero Real Estate Services
Often referred to as a "Termite Report", the structural pest control inspection is conducted by a licensed inspector. In addition to actual termite damage, the Pest Report will indicate any type of wood destroying organisms that may be present, including fungi, which generally results from exces...
When you make an offer on a home, your purchase contract will likely contain provisions allowing you various inspections of the property. The purchase of these inspections is to educate you as to the physical condition of the property you are purchasing. While these inspections do not provide gu...
1) Do not call around asking for interest rate quotes: 2) Rates quoted over the phone are rarely locked prices. This is one way the lender gets you to come into his or her office. Rates can be subject to change unless they are predetermined for a specific period of time. 3) Interest rates can cha...
A very import part of purchasing a home is finding the right lender. Below are questions a homebuyer should ask while shopping for a lender and characteristics you should look for as well: Questions to ask while shopping for your lender   1) What is his or her reputation within the community? Ho...
- Replace incandescent bulbs with Energy Star compact fluorescent lamps - Replace all nightlights and holiday light with LED's - Choose Energy Star appliances, computers and televisions. - Install Low- flow showerheads and faucets - Add or repair weather stripping on all doors and windows - Plant...
You may be asked to complete a Statement of Identity as part of the paperwork. Because many people have the same name, the Statement of Identity is used to identify the specific person in the transaction through such information as date of birth, social security number. This information is consi...
The escrow officer takes instructions based on the terms of your Purchase Agreement and the lender's requirements. The escrow officer can hold inspection reports and bills for work performed as required by the purchase agreement. Other elements of the escrow include hazard and title insurance, a...
An escrow is an independent "stakeholder" account and is the vehicle by which the interests of all parties to the transaction are protected. The escrow is created after you execute the contract for the sale of your home and becomes the depository for all monies, instructions and documents pertain...
Typical levels in homes with no gas appliances range from 0.5 to 5 parts per million. Levels measured near properly adjusted gas appliances were between 5 and 15 ppm, while levels near poorly adjusted appliances can be 30 ppm or highers. California Senate will require owners of Single Family home...
Examples of hidden hazards are FORGERY, INCOMPETENCE OF GRANTOROR MORTGATOR, UNKNOWN HEIRS, FRAUD, IMPERSONATION, etc  Title insurance differs from other typesof insurance by protecting against future losses rising out of events that have happened in t e past.  There are no annual premiums. One p...

Kevin Dalonzo

local_phone(650) 440-9879
Contact The Author
Guided by principles of trust, respect and integrity, I enjoy the journey of helping clients achieve their dreams. Selling and Buying a home in today's market can be challenging and yet homes are sold each week in every area. What's the difference between selling or buying a home and failing to do so? The details!! Whether it's my proven sales approach, effective marketing campaigns, or utilizing technology and social media, when you work with me no detail is over looked. With a proven track record, the right skill set and years of experience, I have all the tools to help you buy or sell a home in the Peninsula. If you are serious about selling or buying a home, I am serious about getting the job done. Who you work in today's market matters. Help is only a phone call away! Call Kevin today! 650-440-9879