Karen Crowson's Blog

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Real Estate Agent - Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage - BRE#01732313



I had the pleasure of working with a young man on his first home purchase. He was motivated!  He’d had to move 4 times in 2 years due to landlords selling (or losing) the homes he’d been renting. He had a decent amount of money saved, but not enough to purchase conventional.  At the time, he qual...
It’s no secret – there are a lot of all cash buyers in the market.  Some of these buyers are investors who pool their funds, some come from out of the country, but others are average folks who have made decisions about how they will accomplish their home buying goals. In a hot market like we expe...
Katie – She was committed. I met her at a First Time Home Buyer Seminar.  She wanted her own home SO bad, but after taking the class learned that she had an enormous amount of work to do to position herself for success. She worked with a credit counselor to figure out what things to do to improve...
Just a tiny change up from the same time last year, but that is probably reflective of specific homes sold, without the typical mix of inventory we might see in the spring selling season. But the trend throughout the past year was markedly up. This chart is actually in keeping with market norms....
Median price is up year over year, but the graph illustrates how that median home price was much higher during the heat of the market when the bulk of the buyers were plentiful and multiple offers were the norm. Last year started off with a very low average for days on market, and it only went do...
Whoa, look at that jump!  56% increase in median price for condos, townhomes and duets. Investers are in the market in a big way. Something undoubtedly skewed the report for the month of November. In checking the actually stats, all but 3 properties in under 30 days during that month. But those ...
With the median home price high in the middle of the chart, and low at both ends, what are we to think? Home prices year over year are up 13%, but obviously throughout the year that percentage would have been higher, IF we'd compared it to January. Read below to get the rest of the story. Time o...
                                  Detached home sales on the previous post showed a 21% increase in median home price. Look at the jump for attached homes - 37%! This is a good reminder about stats - comparing like properties will give you a better feel for your home type than looking at market ...
  Livermore Market Report- Detached Homes – January 2014 It’s no secret. Home prices have increased dramatically from a year ago, with a 21% increase from the same time last year. This was a market driven primarily by supply and demand. Imagine how this chart would look if we looked at just the l...
Last week I was at the California Association of Realtors Conference in sunny San Diego. On our way up to the 40th floor I got stuck in the elevator. Thankfully I wasn't alone - my son, who was also there for a different conference, was with me. Luckily, there was still power so we had light and ...

Karen Crowson

Your Agent for Change
smartphone(925) 784-6208
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Real estate market and local information for the Tri Valley communities of Livermore, Pleasanton, and Dublin, CA. Search for homes for sale, things to see and do, what it's like to live here.