This is how to find cash buyers manually and to work deals backwards. If you want free access to our system to automate this entire process, visit:
Have you “burned your boats”? In other words, have you totally committed to being successful in 2010? In case you don’t know what I am referring to, here is a rough outline of the story….. Hernando Cortez discovered Mexico and the Yucatan Pennisula in 1519. He set out on this quest from Cuba an...
Than Merrill and Kent Clothier, Founder of 1-800-SELL-NOW, will be doing a "no hype" Webinar tonight at 9PM EDT - 6PM PDT.Join us to discover great ways to get your phone ringing with only the MOST motivated sellers in your area. No more wasting time with dead-end leads. These guys are each doing...
We recently had one of our licensees in New York share an exceptional testimonial with us. Dave and Randy picked up 22 listings in less than 30 days by using the 1-800-SELL-NOW Program. I know that we have all been conditioned to believe that these is just no way that kind of stuff can be true. ...
1-800-SELL-NOW brings HIGHLY MOTIVATED SELLERS directly to your door step. Our Upstate New York licensee acquired 22 listings in the month of January using 1-800-SELL-NOW. Now agents are coming at him from every direction to be a part of his team and this "1-800-SELL-NOW tool" that he is using to...
1-800-SELL-NOW Opened These New Markets This Past Week. . . . . .Is Your Market Next? 1-800-SELL-NOW In Denton County, TexasDon Arnold and his Keller Williams team have secured the exclusive licensing rights to 1-800-SELL-NOW for Denton County, TexasREAD MORE<<< * * * * * * * * 1-800-SELL-NOW in...
I am going to get right to the point –I want you to give up an entire weekend of your time. Why in the world would you do that? Good question! Let me answer it for you in only TWO WORDS –“YOUR FUTURE”.It seems that every other real estate professional that we talk to is complaining about the st...
" We simply are fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful." - Warren Buffet on the key to his success I am not going to waste any of your time today. The question is simple.Are you acting fearful or greedy?Are you taking the steps now to make this market work for YOU?If...
So, I just got off of the phone with one of the leading business consultants in the country. A gentleman that I admire and respect very much. He made a comment, followed by a series of questions that were very profound and really got me thinking.He asked me "Do you understand the REAL value tha...
THE WORD IS OUT!!!Recently, REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALSfrom all over the country have RUSHED to 1-800-SELL-NOW WHY?BECAUSE IT WORKS!!We have customers from EVERY MAJOR BROKERAGE/FRANCHISE IN REAL ESTATENOW using our brand to bring them REAL CLIENTS!!Coldwell BankerCentury 21RemaxRealty ExecutivesKe...