Bonney Lake Lake Tapps Livin~365 Things to do DAY 255:Bonney Lake Lake Tapps Livin~365 Things to do It is chilly today time to go check your pipes. Cold Temperatures & Frozen Pipes Temperatures below freezing can cause water pipes to freeze and burst. If you have frozen pipes, call a licensed pl
Bonney Lake Lake Tapps Livin~365 Things to do DAY 254: Bonney Lake Lake Tapps Livin~365 Things to do SUMNER POLICE DEPARTMENT’S SUMNER’S TOY BOX Now through December 21! Bring unwrapped toys and our elves will match them with local kids’ wishes. Or, give a monetary donation to the Polic
Bonney Lake Lake Tapps Livin~365 Things to do DAY 253: Bonney Lake Lake Tapps Livin~365 Things to do Today Saturday November 17th the Sumner High School Drama presents “Little Women” at the Sumner Performing Arts Center. The show, directed by SHS Drama teacher Rachel Street. This two-act pl
Bonney Lake Lake Tapps Livin~365 Things to do DAY 252-Bonney Lake Lake Tapps Livin~365 Things to do SUMNER SENIOR CENTER 15506 62nd Street Court East, Sumner, WA 98390 Map Open Monday – Friday, 10 am – 4 pm If you or someone you know is over 55 (a spring chicken in my book!) visit the Su
Bonney Lake Lake Tapps Livin~365 Things to do DAY 250: Bonney Lake Lake Tapps Livin~365 Things to do Fright Night/ Dinner and a Movie at Midtown Grill in Bonney Lake. Enjoy a four course meal and champagne fountain while watching a movie! The movie we are showing is ” Dark Shadows ” featuring Joh
Bonney Lake Lake Tapps Livin~365 Things to do DAY 249: Bonney Lake Lake Tapps Livin~365 Things to do TODAY REGISTER TO VOTE HERE!!! First time Washington State voters can still register in person at your county elections department through October 29th for the November 6th General Election.
Bonney Lake Lake Tapps Livin~365 Things to do DAY 248: Bonney Lake Lake Tapps Livin~365 Things to do Is your child being bullied at school? Take action today!!! Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Compliance Officer: Marilee Hill-Anderson 1202 Wood Avenue Sumner, WA 983
Bonney Lake Lake Tapps Livin~365 Things to do DAY 247: Bonney Lake Lake Tapps Livin~365 Things to do Register today! Elementary After School Sports Camps – Grades 4-5 This popular program returns for the 2012-13 school year and is open to Sumner School District students only. Register early to as
Tehaleh Homes for sale Inspired by historical precedence of the Pacific Northwest, the collection of homes in the Tehaleh™ communitypromise to be as unique as the residents. With a range of diverse architectural styles to choose from, design guidelines will adhere to regional historic styles rein
Bonney Lake Lake Tapps Livin~365 Things to do DAY 246: Bonney Lake Lake Tapps Livin~365 Things to do If you’re thinking of buying a home or business in Sumner, here are a few tips to help you make an informed decision. Visit City Hall We’re here Monday through Friday to answer your questions. F