TC Marketing Tips!

Services for Real Estate Pros - TC Business Management, LLC -
Small Business Marketing Tips! Great ideas to grow your business whether you are just starting out, or have been doing it for years. Remember...Don't just market. Market and GET RESULTS!
Not Marketing?  Bad Idea... Do you send email newsletters to your database?  If not, you're crazy! The cost savings email marketing can provide is unbelievable in itself, let alone still managing to maintain a fantastic branding and lead generating opportunity.  If you don't think you can afford ...
Direct Mail That WorksFollow these simple steps and you are sure to get more results out of your next direct mail campaign. Hit Your Sphere:  The most important and beneficial target market is the people whom you already know.  They should be your first priority and you should hit them at least 3...

Kim Bartells

Result Driven Real Estat - Marketing Expert
local_phone(215) 257-6739
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TC is a full service Marketing, Advertising & Design Firm that is committed to getting their clients RESULTS! It's one thing to advertise, it's another to advertise and generate leads. TC is extremely affordable & reliable. Call us for any of your marketing, advertising or design needs, including: Email Marketing, Online Marketing, Blog Creation, Website Design, Print Design, SEO, & much more!