**Check out the INTRO BLOG POST to this article here** I just wanted to provide a brief outline for those thinking of re-launching or refreshing their business along with TC. This is a broad overview and their will be many posts on each topic in the months to come. Products/Services: are you off
***SEE INTRODUCTORY BLOG POST*** Well, it's been a productive couple of days... All my rates and fees are updated. I finally finished my Facebook Fanpage. Sent out this months email newsletter introducing my newest goal and asking people to follow along with the blog. Next tasks on my list incl
Recently, a friend on Facebook posted about how the businesses that tried the hardest, gave 110%, were going to be the ones that succeeded. And it got me thinking...Does that really sound right? At face value, but something bugged me about it. Maybe it was the fact that I never saw the "Work Hard
MARKETING! People aren't going to just come to you because they had a vision. You need to stay out in front of people even when the market slows down. This market makes people realize how much they actually used some of the items/systems they purchased. And it makes them realize how little valu
This is so important. I don't care what kind of advertising you spend your money on, you need to know if it works. Trends don't matter. Results matter. Below I will describe some ways to track the leads you're getting. As silly as this may sound, write down all your advertising methods on a
Yup! You can have both. I create email newsletters for agents and recommend that they then sell some 'vendor' spots. Call up your mortgage rep, local contractor, insurance rep, home inspector, etc and ask them if they would consider advertising on your newsletter. You don't have to charge alot
Have you sent a lot of postcards to your database or farm and not gotten any response? Well, there could be a couple reasons why. The number one rule to marketing is consistency. If you send postcards for 2 months then stop for 6 and send for another month and stop again, you're wasting your t
Creating a basic website potential clients will want to use isn't as hard as you may think. Why do people come to your website? Search for homes, find area information, find real estate information, find financing information, etc., etc. Build off that... 1- Search for Homes - make sure
Times change fast! What you did this year, let alone 2 years ago, may not be the most effective or cost efficient means for reaching your sphere and farm anymore. Here's a marketing plan I think your will love for 2010. Sphere: •· Monthly Email Newsletters •· Quarterly Newsletter
Having done a lot of different listing marketing combinations for a lot of different realtors, I've learned a think or two about what works. Here's what I would recommend... 1- BUYERS LOVE VIRTUAL TOURS! The clicks you will get via internet marketing b/c of these tours is something you will lov