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Education & Training - Independent Leadership & Financial Fitness Consultant
“Whoever does not wish to render history incomprehensible by departmentalizing it – political, economic, social – would perhaps take the view that it is in essence a battle of dominant wills, fighting in every way they can for the material which is common to everything they construct: the human labor force.” – Bertrand De Jouvenel I used to be part of the problem, now I'm hoping to be part of the solution. For 20 years I've helped families in Utah acquire loans. I refinanced hundreds if not a thousand mortgages, I've also helped hundreds of home buyers throughout Utah and other locations. Though I didn't realize at the time I was part of a economic system that is strangling and subjecting millions to economic slavery. I'm not suggesting that mortgage lending is "evil" or unnecessary, however, even after the Mortgage Meltdown in 2007, we still give money to millions who are not ready, nor have the "thinking" or "habits" they need to pay down their mortgage. I always knew that the posted rates we gave our borrowers were based on our customers paying their entire loan off over 15 or 30 years. What the borrowers never realized is what the "REAL" interest rate they were being charged by their banks. This blog will hopefully help those ethical mortgage and real estate agents who understand the great responsibility they have in helping their customers acquire what we call the "American Dream". I hope this blog also gives the prospective homeowner prepare themselves financially for making such an important purchase decision. I also want to caution those homeowners considering their mortgage as a giant piggy bank to draw against for expenses that will never provide any type of long lasting return. Thanks for reading my blog.



They haven't written the history books yet to describe this last month, but it maybe referred to as the Sub-prime Panic of 2007.  What's even more amazing is the similarities between 2007 and 1907.In 1907 the country went through a fairly scary period from March of 1907 through October 1907.  Sto...
Like it or not when markets go through a down cycle, businesses often cut costs.  Sometimes their cut's make no logical sense, but other times they can be brilliant.  Many of you are self employed like myself, and the one who makes decisions on cutting costs usually comes down to ones self.My par...
I was scrolling down my blog page, and noticed something that surprised me.  The months that I've blogged the most have also been my most productive in terms of income.  I'm not sure how in correlates, but it's intersting to say the least.  Now when my wife or business partner complains about my ...
It's never to late for anything in life.  I loved this article about the 59 year old football player who made a division III college football team.  This man demonstrates that it's never to late to do what you want in life, nor go for your dreams.  I highly recommend reading this inspiring story!...
With recent market woes, watching Bravo's hit show "Flipping out" has me rolling on the floor with laughter.  So the main guy and his partner in this episode are selling a 2.6 million dollar home in Southern California.  They get a cash offer (FULL PRICE OFFER), and the take it of course.  The bu...
Recently had a conversation with a good friend who's a real estate agent.  He was complaining about how arrogant some of his clients were about the value of their home. It's funny, but I've heard this same complaint many times.  I've also read articles about sellers in California and Florida whom...
Headlines are screaming that the current mortgage crisis may end up in 100,000 mortgage related layoffs!  They are already comparing it to the airline industry after 9/11.  Perhaps there will be fewer mortgage jobs in the new market place, but those who can stay afloat will be the big winners of ...
My in-laws were visiting last night, and the subject of our recent meltdown in the mortgage industry was brought up by my father-in-law.  He's currently building a speculative home and wondered if he would be able to ever sell it.  He had a number of questions about the market, and one specific q...
I love this phrase,"Have one's cake and eat it too" it was was first used in 1546, "wolde you bothe eate your cake, and have your cake?" (John Heywood's 'A dialogue Conteinyng the Nomber in Effect of All the Prouerbes in the Englishe Tongue'). Obviously it normally a justification for someone who...
In an earlier post I discussed the merit's of using a mortgage acceleration program.  However I still am convinced that it's not the only option for someone who is serious about paying their home off.  But recent changes in the mortgage market are making a once viable option in terms of cashing o...


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