Realty Trac is a Pain for many buyers. Realty Trac is a website that tracks properties headed to foreclosure through the legal notices filed in the local paper. Many buyers searching for homes online call me about the homes they see listed on Realty Trac. They are very excited about the bargai...
Great info for home buyers for homebuyers. Thanks Scott! If you need help buying a home in the west GA or east AL area, Call Karen Steed at Haralson Realty 678-521-3585, or 770-574-9221 With Halloween right around the corner, do not fall for these tricks that could hurt you when Buying a Home....
Everyone wants to be "Social" with Facebook, Twitter, etc., and sometimes we forget that too much info, is well, too much info. Carla Muss-Jacobs is sharing this video to remind us. Thanks Carla! If you need assistance buying or selling a home in West GA or East AL, call Karen at Haralson Re...
I Don't Want to Work With a Real Estate Agent I received a call last week that went something like this... "Hello, I am calling about the house at 123 Some St. Can you tell me if it is a bank foreclosure?" "Sure, let me look it up and see if it has gone to foreclosure, and if it is listed by an ...
The Top Do's and Don'ts When Selling Your home by Kristine Ginsberg is a must read for anyone thinking about seling, especially sellers in Tallapoosa, Bremen, Buchanan, or Waco, GA. Many buyers are moving to Haralson county from more populated areas, and sellers need to be ready by making their ...
Owner Finance Available on 220 Floyd Rd. Buchanan, GA. The property located in Haralson coutny at 220 Floyd Rd. Buchanan, GA has two houses, great for mother/daughter, father/son, or any other family or friend situation where two homes on the same lot would be desirable. The great thing about the...
Vote No for Georgia's T-Splost. On Tuesday, July 31, 2012, Georgians will go to the polls to vote for or against many things, but one of the things is the one cent Special Local Sales Tax for Transportation. I admire the desire to help with Georgia's traffic problems but the project list propose...
Possum Pickin' in Tallapoosa, GA July 21, 2012 Saturday night in Tallapoosa, GA will be filled with great bluegrass music, and two award winning clogging teams. There is so much going on at this Saturday's Possum Pickin' that the event kicks off at 5:30 pm on Head Ave. in downtown Tallapoosa. The...
I tell my buyers, the first thing you should do after moving into your new home is change the locks. Because you never know who has keys to the locks. Sharon Tara has a list of a few more items that need to be checked to make your new home safer for you and your family. If you need assistance...
Elizabeth Weintraub has a great take on being underwater, starting over, and planning for the future. Hope you enjoy it! If you need assistance with buying or selling real estate in West GA or East AL, especially Tallapoosa, Buchanan, Bremen or Waco, GA call me. Karen Steed 678-521-3585 (c) or 7...