Fort Worth Real Estate View

Real Estate Agent - New Home Hunters of Fort Worth and Tarrant County
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If you have never read any of the posts on Cherimie Crane's Blog, I suggest that you give this post of hers... Mother Nature Returned The Favor... a try. I very rarely re-blog anything on Active Rain.  Sure, there are many blog posts on Active Rain that deserve re-blogging, but rarely do they "mo...
Please come with me as I descend into the insanity that is sometimes what my life consists of. This afternoon I started, or at least I TRIED to start reading a post by Hank Miller titled Your Kid is Obnoxious and Your Dog isn’t Cute And yes... I said that I "tried" to read the post.  But somethin...
I Think That Just About Every Realtor has had a Buyer Who was Concerned about Something, had Questions about Going Ahead with Her Purchase, or... Maybe She's Was Just Scared. What do you do when a buyer is just plain "scared ?" Try this: Let's call our buyer "Michelle."  She was thinking about ma...
The end of the year is coming ... and with it there is a Year End Bonus For Buyers out there to be had.  The problem is there's only about four months left in the year to take advantage of it. Actually... it's much less than that... depending on how long it takes you to go from having an accepted...
Earlier this morning I read a post by Carie Shapiro.  Apparently, Carie has been having some "issues" with some inconsiderate car drivers in her Dallas hometown... and shared some ideas. Carie's post rang a bell in my brain... and brought back a memory to me from my own high school days. I can re...
Dear Active Rainers.  I need some help.  It has to do with the email notification of "new comments" that Active Rain sends out to us. Usually, when I make a comment on someone else's post... I check the box that will enable any additional comments to be emailed to me. Also... when I write a post....
My Brain Seems Frozen.  Now I know that some of you might think that that's a good thing.  In some respects... I might not blame you. Here's my problem.  I have something I am just So Excited About... that I just cannot find the words to write a blog post about it. Three weeks ago... on Saturday,...
We all know how important it is to remember those ServiceMen and Women who have gone before us and paid the ultimate price to insure our freedoms.  Many of us Active Rainers have written posts about this weekend being Memorial Day Weekend, or, as my GrandMother used to call it, Decoration Day. Bu...
Two days ago, on May 8th, the State of North Carolina voted on an amendment to their state constitution.  As those of you who are regular readers of my blog probably know, I am not pleased with the fact that North Carolina has now written into their State Constitution the refusal to recognize Mar...
As many of us Active Rainers celebrate this Joyous Easter Sunday, I was reminded yesterday of a post I first read just about four years ago. The post was written by Active Rain's illustrious overall points leader... the esteemed Mr Todd Clark.  Seeing one of Todd's posts yesterday, and rememberin...

Karen Anne Stone

Fort Worth Real Estate
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The Real Estate Market in Fort Worth and Tarrant County offers such a great value to both "first time" and "move up" buyers. Karen Anne's blog gives you up-to-date market news, and features many of the great homes available at great prices !