Sharon's Blog on Bank Foreclosures and REO properties

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Real Estate Agent - RE/MAX
Over the next 2 years bank foreclosures and REO homes as well as short sales are going to be an all time high. Our office has been successful in helping home owners avoid foreclosure by doing short sales. Investers & owner occupied can take advantage of these bargain prices.



With the Paris Climate Agreement closing out 2015, 2016 promises to be a year for major acceleration of environmental policy changes and green living trends. Demand for home roof solar paneling grew 70 percent year-over-year in the first quarter of 2015, reflecting record growth in recent months,...
You have been renting a single family home, and have just been notified that your landlord has not been paying his mortgage, and the house will soon be foreclosed. What should you do? Will you suddenly be thrown out on the street?Not necessarily, but there are some things which you should do -- a...
You found what you think is the right house. The bank approved you. The lender secured your loan with just five percent down. You've got your closing costs together and you've lined up your movers. But are you really making the right move?Turns out, a simple personality test might help you figure...
If you are married, and file a joint income tax return, the tax laws allow you to exclude up to $500,000 on any gain you make on the sale of your principal residence. There are some basic rules (conditions) which must be met, the most important is that you must have owned and lived in the house f...
It's that time of year of again. Seemingly everyone is dedicating the next few days, weeks, and months to getting in better shape. That being said, traditional gyms are absurdly crowded right now and will most likely be for the next few months.So how about just building one in your home? Sounds e...
Struggling to get your credit cards paid off? Juggling balances between several cards? Just plain tired of paying interest? Make this the year you get your credit in order. Whether your goal is to buy a new home, become debt free and raise your credit score, or just make your payments more manage...
Millennials. They're the ever-frustrating group that's been making the real estate industry quiver for years. Where are they? Why aren't they buying homes? What's going to happen to the market if they don't step up? What is going on here?!Every blip, bump, and bounce has been microstudied, overan...
Homeownership has always been the "great American dream".To foster and encourage this dream, Congress has consistently enacted tax legislation which favors homeowners. Indeed, much has been written that our tax laws discriminate against renters, by giving unfair and unequal tax benefits to those ...
Question: Can the board enact a policy to exclude certain categories of dogs that are perceived to be dangerous such as rottweilers or pit bulls?Answer: The board has the authority to make rules but should not do so without feedback from the members. This is especially true of pet issues which ar...
The High School Exit Exam, you only have 4 CORRECT answers out of 10 to be able to pass….Remember….. 4 correct answers means you PASS!1. How long did the Hundred Years’ War last?2. Which animal do we acquire cat gut?3. Which country creates Panama hats?4. What is a camel’s hair brush consists of?...

Sharon Sigman

Sharon Sigman
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Kansas City is a very good area for investers in both single family homes to apartment & commercial buildings.We have lots of inventory for residential and commercial listings.