Joan Washburn's (jwashburn) Blog

Real Estate Agent - Quality Gmac Real Estate
I wondered if any of the Realtors out there have encountered any issues with "procuring cause" getting all mixed up with "buyer agency." Buyer Agency contracts are strictly between the broker, agent and the buyer. It can become quite a quandary. I had shown one of my office's listing to a buyer t...
I have been a Realtor for a long time, and we would "caravan open houses" with appetizers at one house, main entree at the next and then desserts at the last one. That was a lot of work, but got other Realtors into our listings so they would be familiar. Hopefully, they may a buyer looking for ju...
I was happily on an inspection of very high end home. Accompanying the buyers and inspector thru the various functioning of electrical components, etc, we got to the basement and everything was going along fine. The inspector, a congenial man from the country of Holland, eased  into a chat break....
Everything was all set, appointments made and confirmed for showings and the buyers were ready. It was a hot day, but progressed with all the houses. Got to the last one and, as usual, rang the doorbell, knocked, waited then used the lockbox combo for the key, the home was supposed to be vacant w...
I am Joan Washburn, a Realtor for 20 plus years have always lived in the southeast area of Michigan, and know it well. I am new to blogging. Any recommendations? I am very concerned about the economy in our nation and especially here in Michigan. The foreclosure and short sale listings seem to be...

Joan Washburn

local_phone(734) 658-4150
smartphone(313) 533-0392
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