Comparing Sunnyvale real estat market trends to Santa Clara County trends comes down to looking at small differences. From 1998 to early 2017 Sunnyvale house prices increased by a factor of about 3.21 while Santa Clara County average house prices increased by a factor of about 2.92. If you look c...
It is always interesting to compare Menlo Park real estate trends with those of Palo Alto. Menlo Park and Palo Alto are adjacent to each other but are in different counties. Palo Alto has roughly twice the population but house prices, average resident age, and average population percentage with c...
Los Gatos real estate market trends loosely follow Santa Clara County trends. Between 1998 and early 2017 home prices in Los Gatos increased by a factor of about 2.5. For Santa Clara County the factor is aout 2.9. Much of the difference occured after 2011. There has been slightly stronger growth ...
When I look at Los Altos Hills real estate market trends, I almost always compare them to Atherton and Hillsborough. Having predominately higher priced luxury homes, these areas although driven by the same forces that drive Silicon Valley have significant differences from Silicon Valley wide tren...
Los Altos, Mountain View, and Palo Alto have been some of the areas I've watched most closely. In 2010 Los Altos real estate market trends began showing signs that the 2009 drop had stopped and that prices would begin to increase. The strong rapid growth since 2012 has overshadowed the weak trend...
With most homes priced in the luxury market, Hillsborough real estate market trends vary significantly from San Mateo averages. A comparison with Atherton is perhaps more interesting. Although the dot com bubble drove Hillsborough prices quickly up in early 2000, the drop in prices in 2001 was re...
Atherton real estate market trends vary significantly from San Mateo County averages. Atherton, like other areas having predominantly high priced, luxury homes, is driven by many of the same forces that drive San Mateo County averages but has significant differences. The most obvious is the very ...
Hayward real estate market trends are significantly different from most Silicon Valley cities. House prices in Hayward, as of early Mar 2017, have not reached the levels that had been reach in 2006. This is somewhat common for areas where the average home price is below $800,000. However if you c...
Fremont real estate market trends follow both Santa Clara County and San Mateo County trends fairly closely. The bump upwards from 2005 to 2008, and then the fall down in 2009 is less pronounced for Fremont.Juliana Lee - Silicon Valley Homes For Sale - KW Palo Alto Real Estate Office
Foster City real estate market trends have been showing a stronger 4th quarter for several years compared to San Mateo County. If you look at sales price vs. list price, the 4th quarter of 2016 drops but the sales price has remained solidly above list price averaging about 3% over list price.Jul...