Judy Klem's (judyklem) Blog

Home Stager - Transition Stage LLC
An Essential Tool for the Home Stager's Tool KitThere are so many items to pack in a home stager's tool kit, among them: heavy-duty tape measure, furniture moving slides, paint decks. But one of the key components is actually an emotional one: a real compassion and empathy for the difficulty sell...
The Celebration Continues... At an Elemental LevelWhat's a holiday weekend without celebrating with friends? Add three of the four elements, and the world comes into balance and harmony - oh yes, especially harmony!Just getting to Erik and Nancy's house is a bit of a discovery process, with the t...
Grateful. Humbled. Astonished.Last night, Herb and I drove less than 10 minutes to our bank parking lot in downtown Shelton, CT, squeezed his car into a just-big-enough space, and took our folding chairs down to Howe Avenue, closed to traffic for the evening's fireworks display. A joint venture o...
If you haven't been reading Craig Daniels' blog, you've been missing out on some really great information. He's set up his blog page in an interesting format so he can present a lot of info in a small space. Check it out, and be sure to amble over to his blog and say hi! Craig's Week in Tech - Ne...
A Tale of Two SubarusIt was the best of times, it was the worst of times...   In 2004, I moved to Connecticut, and for the first time in my life, I needed to own a car. Having spent the previous portion of my life living in or very near to New York City, the occasional rental car had seen me thro...
We Came, We Saw, We ConqueredOur mini-AR Reunion at Dagny's house was a resounding success! Reuniting the intrepid traveling four - Dagny Eason, Debbie Gartner, Ginny Gorman, and me - the original team who drove to the Atlantic City Rain Camp together, we had an amazing time this afternoon. We sh...
How Exciting! A Mini-AR Reunion!Today will be a very special day, because I'll be spending time at a mini-AR reunion with the great women with whom I attended the Atlantic City RainCamp:       Dagny Eason                   Debbie Gartner                  Ginny Gorman           We'll not only catc...
Sometimes, I think I have enough information about basic kinds of things. Then my husband Herb asks if I've checked with any consumer groups and I realize I don't have the latest data at all. In this re-blog, Barb Van Stensel gives the lowdown on vinyl windows. Be prepared for a real update on wi...
Do Your Buyers Swim Upstream or Go With the Flow?You put your house on the market. You've tidied, gotten rid of masses of stuff, cleaned, polished, maybe even painted some or all of the rooms. And yet your house sits and your agent's feedback seems to be about how the house is "too small" and "th...
Norma Toering has done a great mid-year checkpoint in her blog today. She highlights some of the new and old ways of doing business, with pithy comments that always have a sense of balance. If you haven't been reading Norma's blog, I highly recommend it. Enjoy!Napoleon wrote, "The laws that gover...

Judy Klem

Home Staging, Senior Move Management, Fairfield/New Haven counties
local_phone(203) 889-8556
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