In the past 2 weeks I have had people call in to advise me that they were moving. Each time neither had any idea but the change caused a significant drop in their auto rates. Todays rates (especially auto) are determined by many factors, unlike the old days when you just avoided a red car that ...
Saturday night I was awakened by a electrical snap in my bedroom. The thunder immediately after made me realize that it was lightning and it was close. I got out of bed quickly going through the house unplugging the expensive items... most were on a surge protector that made it easy to get many...
Today I set out to begin reading a new book. The book is called the Go-Giver. Something about reading stimulates the mind, calms the spirit, and helps you re-focus. The first of this book focuses on giving more in value than you take in payment. As I think on how to apply this it occurs to me...
The days of starting a career at one company and then retiring on a pension plan from that same company years later are gone. I remember starting for a corporation that had both a 401k and a retirement. I planned on being there until retirement and cashing in on both. 10 years, 4 company name ...
Well, for an insurance agency, May storms bring..... well, friends. Shortly after the storms started I started getting questions from friends about how they should handle their property damage issues. Many of these had never let me put in a quote for their business, so I was taken back a little...
As everyone looks at a tough economy and wonders once again how we are going to weather the storm. I think that it is important to take some lessons from history here. The United States has always shown an amazing resilience prompting the age old question... how and why? I have had former empl...
Hello again. I thought that I would pop in and share some thoughts. In business our ongoing desire is to make our customers; or that prospect we have happy. We are ever striving to do it through "the best price" or " the best product" or the "best advertising". We all want the be the best, an...
Well, here goes my first attempt at a blog. Today I want to talk about relations and what they mean to each of us. Growing up in a small town, now living in a thriving growing town, I am struck by two stark differences between the two. First is the amazing difference in the ability you have to...