From Inman .. an interesting article (by Teke Wiggin, Staff Writer) about a new App that let's buyers get the lockbox code and tour the property without an agent being present. Do you see this working in your local area? Thanks for Stopping By, Judith, the SMARTePLAN Lady
I don't live in Realtor-World, but I do have a passport with a work-permit. I refer to Realtor-World because it is its own "place" with its own language, culture and customs. I'm used to being a travelor in a foreign land. I grew up overseas... well, actually I was born overseas .. in Tokyo. Su...
He was talking so fast I could barely understand what he was saying .. but heard him yell..."I got me a throw-down listing!" and " fast can you get over here??!!!"And I'm thinking to myself .. "What the heck is a throw-down listing?" I finally got him calmed down and this is how the ...
So you're at an event and the place-settings are touching end-to-end and you can see people trying to figure out which one is their bread plate or their water glass. The answer is literally at your fingertips! You no longer have to wait for someone "in-the-know" to select one and then you do t...
This Property is SOLD -- so the links have been disengaged. Whenenver you visit Round Top, Texas one of those charming small Texas towns, you find yourself wondering "Man, why am I not living here?"You have your chance now with this 4 bedroom 2-story home with its distinctive Texas Farmhouse H...
Real Estate Agents are my clients. They hire me to create one-of-a-kind interactive marketing materials to promote & market their luxury properties online. We depict the WHOLE PROPERTY, not just the structure ... it magnifies to over 6400% .. so every detail is made available to the Buyer's inspe...
SMARTePLANS, The Marketing System for Luxury Real Estate website has won the 2015 WebAward competition in the real estate category. Based in Houston, Texas SMARTePLANS utilizes its patented tools and techniques to market luxury real estate. Demonstrations of the various types of SMARTePLANS, t...
Houston's home market was HOT! HOT! HOT! in 2014, for sure. 55% selling over list, with an average list price of $1.3M is exciting ... but our 11 year average is 24% selling over list ... and that's not too shabby, either.Two of my biggest highlights in 2014 were:1. SMARTePLANS was chosen to d...
If you are a River Oaks home seller thinking about putting your home on the market, let me share with you some of the marketing materials used to rapidly sell a home listed at $8M in River Oaks. Below is a comparision of the First Floor between a SMARTePLAN for this multi-million dollar property...
If you are a Woodlands home owner getting ready to put your home on the market, use a Realtor who uses SMARTePLANS to give yourself every market advantage. Below is a side-by-side comparision of the First Floor between a typical floor plan (like those used by builders) and a SMARTePLAN. Which on...