When I moved here, I did so because of comments from friends who said, "the sun shines every day! You'll just love it, and you'll feel better, too!" It's strange, but I think it's rained almost every day since I arrived. The thought that comforts me (since I'm from Central New York) is that, "I d
I've been stuffing envelopes till I'm blue in the face and pealing labels till my thumb aches, but whatever it takes to get the job done. Made up some flyers and bought a truck load of envelopes and then ran the copier until it got hot, pealed lables and stuck them on the envelopes . . . . You ge
I was browsing through the blogs and found one from Christy that said that things had been pretty quiet until a lady responded to one of her blogs. What amazed me was not that someone responded to her blog, but that she had said, "It's been pretty quiet here," or something to that effect. Quiet?