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We are getting through this pandemic, however, there is always the risk of new waves of the virus until there is a successful vaccine for it. I bet you didn't know that spraying and wiping a surface is not enough to kill the virus on surfaces?In this post I am going to show you some tips to succe...
They say I sing in secrets — they have earsBut do not hear; have eyes but do not seeTruth’s naked beauty is her panoply,Their eyes are blinded with its splendid spears.With shadowy symbols fitted to their fearsNow will I clothe a visible mystery,Yet none shall understand the prophecySave you, nor...
During times of change and turbulence, it can help you to navigate the quickly evolving landscape and stay ahead of the game. These are five thoughts for keeping your Strategy Execution on track during COVID-19.Strategy Execution can put an organization on the competitive map, but more importantl...
In this post I am going to discuss things to Keep in Mind About Buying a Home During Covid-19 Is Buying a Home Now During the Pandemic Possible?Yes, it is possible to buy or sell a home during this pandemic. Real estate transactions are classified as essential services, but must follow each state...
Are you in a position where you need a lawyer? Perhaps you need to hire a new lawyer for going forward?Choosing a lawyer is something that you should take time and care in order to decide on who would be the best fit for your requirements. I already did a post on the benefits of having a lawyer o...
Whether you are a home buyer, property investor or a business looking to build a property portfolio, there are many reasons why you should have a lawyer on board to help you with your property transactions.Below are the 3 main reasons for having a lawyer before making a property transaction. Bene...
  Realty Times, (which publishes the latest real estate, mortgage, and construction information) recently stated that virtual staging may become the norm in real estate marketing. They wrote, “. . .in the new world of physical distancing and COVID-19 related restrictions, virtual staging is boun...
Real Estate world is Red I am waiting for it to turn Yellow. Pennsylvania is one of the only states Real Estate is not considered essential. The Real Estate Industry closed down March 18, 2020, We as agents have been allowed to apply for unemployment. What a shock it was. Applying for unemployme...
Economic and Emotional Benefits of Multigenerational Homes     During these times of economic upheaval, many families are finding themselves sharing a home with other adults. While this is certainly one way to weather a financial crisis, there are also emotional benefits that can last long beyon...
In this post I am going to talk about whether or not you can keep or must sell your home upon divorce. The full post can be found here: cases require the couple to split the marital estate according to state law...

Joseph Doohan

I offer business strategy advice for realtors
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