This is your home and may very well be your most valuable asset. In this market and economic times, it is worth your time to do your due dilengence. It could also help to make your decision an easier one by asking the real estate brokers you are interviewing a few questions. Are you a REALTOR? (S
The Metro Denver area REALTOR Rally was a huge success this year. It was a fun-filled day offering valuable educational classes, information on technology and various specialty niche ideas. If you missed it, you should attend next year in 2010! For those of you that have had the pleasure of heari
An almost hidden entry has made this small subdivision a secret. Have you ever turned down a road just to see where it leads? We all do; it's a fun and sometimes amazing adventure! Many buyers have done just that and find themselves driving through the small neighborhood passing the executive sty
Have you experienced the short delays or seen that the expansion project on 144th Avenue between Zuni and Huron? City of Westminster purchased McKay Lake Open Space in 2000 and in an effort to continue to preserve and protect the McKay Lake Open Space, the wetlands, lake, native plants, cottonwo
Broomfield Home Buyers MarketsDid you know that only a few Broomfield communities are currently experiencing a "buyer's market "? With that said, read on. The year end residential statistics for 2008 have shown that the Broadlands, Country Estates, Crofton Park and Aspen Creek were buyer's mark
Broomfield Homes Sales Analysis for 2008 My year end analysis of Broomfield homes is complete. I ran residential homes that sold in the past year and current active homes for sale. Here is how Broomfield homes for sale performed. It is important to know two facts before pricing a home to sel