Working for a broker who is also a Social Media consultant, I am usually trying to keep up with (whether I want to or not) the methods of applying it to my business. Instinctively, I try to use Social Media to brand myself and develop a decent presence among the digital community. However, I ac...
As much as I don't want this posting to turn into a rant, I might not be able to help it. I have had a really rough and interesting week in the customer service world - shocking, appalling and extremely eye-opening! I want to share a couple of things that I experienced this week. I also want t...
30th Birthday Itinerary! SLEEP IN!8am - Java w/ Jesus9am - Shipley's Donuts10am - Call clients / write blogs / run errands1pm - Play some bass and checkout some amps @ Guitar Center!130pm - Lunch w/ parents @ Cheddar's330pm - Show houses7pm - School of Leaders @ Austin Power House Church9pm - Hot...
I think there is only one way to describe La Ventana in Driftwood, TX - WOW! As Austin and its surrounding area becomes a busier metroplex, some people find themselves looking for a quieter alternative. Only minutes from Austin, La Ventana in Driftwood, TX is neatly tucked away into the heart o...
With summer break quickly coming to an end, many families are getting ready to make a move before school starts back up. Many of these families have happily chosen Plum Creek in Kyle, TX as the new place to hang their hat! As I drive around in my community, not only do I notice people moving I...
I wanted to quickly address something which is affecting all of us - especially lately. I was recently having a conversation with an acquaintance of mine. He asked me how business was going. Not that I was complaining, but I did mention that in the last month, I had 3 clients who were committe...
THIS AS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Devil, Be careful about what you try to take from me. I have been keeping a very detailed ledger and have documented everything you owe me. This letter is to inform you that your current balance is ...
Well, summer is officially here. If you don't believe me - step outside. It's 95 degrees as I write this and it will probably be in the triple digits tomorrow... Summer also means it's time for families to prepare for the big move. School is out and it's the perfect time to shop for a home and...
As the first day of summer has now come and gone, many families are getting ready to make a move as things slow down for a couple of months. As I drive around town, I see garage sales every weekend as people start to get ready for the big move. It's amazing how many people will move during the ...
"Fake it 'till you make it!" How many people have heard this one before? Not a week goes by, unfortunately, that I don't hear this leave someone's lips. Consider for a moment, what is actually being said. LifeWe only get one shot at this thing called life. Let me assure you - it is very real....