High winds are caused when there are places that cause the wind to speed up. When the wind goes over a ridge it works the same as an airfoil (shape of a wing that makes it lift). Higher winds also exist in canyons that face the prevailing winds as the canyon acts as a funnel. Have you noticed how
My friend, Judy Dutko wrote this article. I think she said it quite well. "We must stop the Hate, Vitriol, Cruel Rhetoric, and Violent Speech!" The day after the Tucson murders, main stream media, leftist pundants and plliticians blamed Talk Radio, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, NRA, and the Tea Par
Sara now works at Papa D's Barber Shop located at 1054 N Willow Creek Road. She is far-and-away the prettiest barber in Prescott. She also gives GREAT haircuts. Sara loves kids, so The Prescott Barber shop is the best place to take your kids. She will cut your wife's or your girlfriend's hair,
A few months ago we were ejoying an outing at Goldwater Lake in the Prescott National Forest south of Prescott, Arizona. Goldwater Lake is owned by the City of Prescott and offers picknicking, fishing and a few other recreational activities. Signs are posted in several places saying that it is un
Hidden Valley Ranch and Haisley Homestead are two neighborhoods on the south edge of Prescott near the Prescott National Forest. These two neighborhoods were built among old Ponderosa Pine trees, so one has a sense of living in the forest. As the homes were built, care was taken to protect every
One of the most recognizable landmarks that distinguishes Prescott Arizona is Thumb Butte. This picture is unusual in that it shows Thumb Butte "floating on a cloud." Normally Prescott is quite a dry place, but it is in a bowl with mountains all around, so sometimes the weather is unusual and unp
I want you to meet my friend, Quang Nguyen on the power of the delete key. He was a speaker at our "Prescott Valley Freedom Rally." He has lived through more life-changing experiences than anyone I know. If you have any questions about Socialism and its impact, check out his video. Quang is a ver
Have you noticed or experienced the difficulty in getting a loan modification done? These guys have an explanation of why it is happening. The FEDS are reimbursing banks for their "losses" on short sales even to the point that they PROFIT on most of the sales. Of course they are using our ow
Neal Boortz in an interview with CNN schools everyone on the issue of the rhetoric from both sides. He makes a point that some of the most vitriolic of speech has come from Obama himself. It seems to me that Pima County Sheriff Dupnik had a responsibility to know about this guy. Check out what so
Blaming the TEA Party and the rhetoric for this incident is WAY OUT OF LINE. The TEA Party and any communication coming from our movement has NOTHING to do with this guy. Watch what some of his classmates had to say about him. I think those who sought to make the rhetoric and the communicat