Many real estate professionals measure their success by the number of sales they make each year. When you participate in an REIC coaching program, however, you discover that success in real estate is not really about's about being more profitable. 10 Steps to a More Profitable Real Est...
I was having a conversation with a brand new client about the role of social media in his business and he said, "Jarred, I just want social media to make me more referable." What this client really wants is to make it easier for people to refer and recommend him. He has the foresight to realize t...
As part of our internal effort to improve our database touch, event invite, and product announcement campaigns, REIC is now using IXACT Contact Real Estate CRM. If you're like most REALTORS©, you already realize that most of your business is going to come from past clients and referrals. However,...
As you may already know, many of the top real estate and mortgage professionals throughout the country look to REIC for what's "next." 2011 was a great year for REIC and our clients. We expanded our staff, offices, and released new products. Most of our clients had one of their best years ever de...
I wonder if you are one of the first real estate professionals who has figured out that online real estate marketing isn't really about Social Media…it's about your online reputation. The best agents that we work with have already discovered that your social media activity is 1 of 4 main ways you...
I wonder if this story from an agent who sold a 1.4 million dollar listing from her Facebook fan page will convince you that a Facebook fan page is worthwhile investment? While we don’t promise these type of immediate results for all of our clients, many agents are experiencing similar result...
You're about to discover the news that Facebook will collapse! However, this is not an article about what Facebook is doing wrong, or the rise of Google Plus. Facebook is not going anywhere for a long time and should be used by most REALTORS©, loan officers and other professionals to enhance thei...
Many REALTORS©, Loan Officers, managers, and brokers are overwhelmed and confused by their online social media presence. Are you? One way to bring clarity to your online presence is to create an online social media architecture that defines the accounts, roles, and connections between your differ...
As you can imagine, we track of thousands of REALTORS© on Facebook and Twitter and the most common post we see is a REALTOR© posting that "now is a great time to buy a home." It's great that so many REALTORS© have taken to social media with a positive message, but from the consumer's perspective ...
Have you ever wondered why just about every successful Facebook fan page has a Welcome tab? From major brands like Starbucks, to your local real estate agent, a landing tab will immediately improve your Facebook page. Why Every Successful Fan Page has a Welcome (or landing) Tab: 1. To immediately...