Jennifer's Charlotte Real Estate Blog

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Real Estate Agent - Indigo Home Team powered by Compass - NC: 277197



Somewhere, tucked between the pages of your day to day thoughts, you’ve hidden away the things that are most precious to you. Tiny translucent ghosts that if left unchecked, threaten to send you into flights of fancy with no itinerary. With no plan whatsoever. These are the hidden stars of your i...
… That you spend hours and hours of every day posting and commenting on political and social posts that have no potential for advancing my home buying or selling endeavor? … That you are sarcastic, contentious, an extremist, a know-it-all or just downright hateful? Because when I read your posts ...

Jennifer Monroe

Real Estate REALTOR®/Broker/Designer
smartphone(704) 307-3369
local_phone(704) 438-9800
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Never one to follow unspoken rules, you'll find more than just Real Estate lurking within these pages. I just love to write. Which comes as no surprise to those who've followed my Real Estate Blog over the past 9+ years. In many ways, my writing is nomadic and unorthodox. A meandering chronicle of my thoughts and observations inspired by my passion for living, and for all things Real Estate. I hope you'll find it fresh and imaginative ~ and informative too! A tiny glimpse of ideas and experiences on buying and selling real estate throughout beautiful Charlotte NC! ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ View Jennifer Monroe's profile on LinkedIn