Jennifer's Charlotte Real Estate Blog

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Real Estate Agent - Indigo Home Team powered by Compass - NC: 277197



  Desperate calls are not the best calls to receive when you're a Realtor. Nonetheless, I have had a couple in the last month and sadly, the home owners tend to call me when it's too late to do anything to help them. One in particular comes to mind:  a woman whose home is scheduled for auction in...
I don’t know what made me think a house was forever. Perhaps I’ve imagined that only I am temporary. Death aside, I always seem to be.  Remember that adage that says ‘you can never go home again’ ? Well it’s true. Tonight I learned that my grandmother’s house burned down. I can barely swallow thi...

Jennifer Monroe

Real Estate REALTOR®/Broker/Designer
smartphone(704) 307-3369
local_phone(704) 438-9800
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Never one to follow unspoken rules, you'll find more than just Real Estate lurking within these pages. I just love to write. Which comes as no surprise to those who've followed my Real Estate Blog over the past 9+ years. In many ways, my writing is nomadic and unorthodox. A meandering chronicle of my thoughts and observations inspired by my passion for living, and for all things Real Estate. I hope you'll find it fresh and imaginative ~ and informative too! A tiny glimpse of ideas and experiences on buying and selling real estate throughout beautiful Charlotte NC! ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ View Jennifer Monroe's profile on LinkedIn