The Daily Message

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Real Estate Agent - Brooks & Associates
How often do you stop and really be present ot what is going on within you or around you? 
How we do life shows more to people than what we say in life....What we model affects our family, our friends and our business.What is the old addage.  "It's easy to say but harder to do"?Would you say that your life preaches to those you do life with louder than your words? 
Isn't it interesting how we try to make loving someone an option? we are instructed to love one another as God so loves us.... how would the World change if we just walked out that commandment? 
You may have been or are currently going through some challenges. Those didn't come your way by accident. Use them to your highest and best advantage. It is what God intended them for :-) 
Inside each of us is the opportunity and ability to serve others, which in turn brings abundance to our own life
Are you ready to soar?  Let me help you!
This is a tough one. If we are honest with ourself we have all been there or are currently occupying that space...
Manifesting our goals is done by what we do, not by what we say we are going to do. Lots of dreams are left on the table because the action of doing doesn't materialize. What do your goals look like for 2019. Do you have a plan of ACTION for doing them? Possibly you don't know what your plan look...
We are not born a winner or a loser....we are born a chooser. What path are you choosing? Is it the one designed by the Creator of the plan....Wonder what #godsplan looks like for you?Need some direction? Book a free intro session at or email me at 
Possibly you remember that church hymn " There is power,power wondering working power....." This is the power we each have. Plant the seed. Take the opportunity to make a difference.

Janet Brooks

Integrity and Excellence in Life & Real Estate
local_phone(816) 414-3229
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