Do you know what Loan Modification versus Dual Tracking in Phoenix AZ means? You have been trying for weeks to get a confirmation from your lender that you have been accepted into the 3 payment trial period for loan modification. Then you come home one day and there is a certified letter ...
When the Fairview Place Historic District in Encanto Area Phoenix began being developed in the early 1920s this area was outside of the city limits and thus the birth of a suburb. The Fairview Place was marketed as a social and business asset. The homes being built represented a number of...
The Encanto-Palmcroft Historic District in Phoenix showcases some of the more significant homes and landscaping with diversity and picturesque styling. As you travel through the Encanto-Palmcroft Historic District on the winding streets, it’s proximity to the Encanto Park, many of the hom...
The Willo Historical District in Encanto at Phoenix was created in 1878 by J.P. Holcomb. Mr. Holcomb, who was responsible for the initial development of this district, acquired the rights through a Homestead patent and a timber Culture land patent. A period revival movement, which sta...
The Roosevelt Historic District in the Encanto area at Phoenix is comprised of mostly Bungalows. These bungalows can range is size from 1,700 sq.ft. to over 3,000 sq.ft. and usually had at least 4 bedrooms with several bathrooms. One of the ironies of this area is many of the original own...
The fourth of July is coming to a close. The fingers have been licked clean of the BBQ sauce, the fireworks have been shot, and the kids are falling asleep. God Bless America, and may all of our soliders come home from the battlefield.
You need Loan Modification help and a Foreclosure Date in Phoenix AZ has been set by the lender. So let me set the stage; you are trying to get loan modification and you have been talking with your lender, and then "BOOM" you just received a piece of certified mail which states your lender has s...
Good question, are you sleeping with the termites in Phoenix? No, because I live in Denver. Now that the silly stuff is out of the way let us get down to the creepy stuff. There are many different kinds of termites throughout the United States but I will focus on homes here in Phoenix. ...
Some of you enjoy living in an area that is made up of older homes with different styles of architecture. Here is an example of a Tudor home found in the Encanto District of Phoenix. Encanto District Tudor Style Home in Phoenix Notice the steep pitched roof, this is not really ideal for the Phoe...
Loan Modifications Did you just get a “Notice of Trustee Sale”? We Can Help You! If we cannot get you a Loan Modification, then you don’t pay us anything. Please watch the video at the end of this page. Call us now at 602-345-0433 If you would prefer to start with an...