This is a must read for all real estate agents! I have always believed that the industry would change. The real question is - who will be in charge of that change? The author, David Dion, gives some great insights here. Zillow Advertising – Funding the Demise of an Industry ??? I thought long a...
Is Zillow bad for Home Buyers? Zillow is the leader of all home search websites in terms of traffic. It was one of the pioneers that created a national home search database and has come a long way since its early days. However, as a real estate agent here in Nevada, I find that I hav...
What is the best transaction coordination software for real estate? We are looking for something that can handle up to two hundred listings for an active real estate team. Current prospects include Ben Kinney's Brivity, Sureclose, Dotloop, and ebrokerhouse. Have you used any of these services? ...
Technology has always been exciting for me and I get pumped up when something new comes along. However, in rare instances, some things just don't make sense to me. One such example of this is (or was) the QR code. I admit it - I don't get it and never did. It has been out since 1999 and I can't...
You Can't Back out of a Home Sale Because You're Not Happy In Las Vegas, the home seller can not cancel the home sale, the day before Close of Escrow, just because they are not happy! Thankfully, I knew that. So, when the seller tried a 'shakedown' and get money from my buyer and me as the buye...
A while back I was thinking about what my real estate career would look like if it was a movie. Would I be an action hero? Would it be a comedy? The more my idea came into focus, I set out to create a movie trailer for this movie in my mind. So, here it is - The Craziest Real Estate Video - "Li...
Apple Computer and Real Estate Many times I have met agents and friends who have questions about Apple computers and Real Estate. Because of that, I created an open Facebook Group to answer those questions. In that group we answer questions, post schedules of upcoming announcements and list deal...
Siri on the iPad and iPhone Let Siri on your Apple iPhone and iPad Write that Text Here is a quick tip for the Apple iPhone and iPad users out there. Siri, the iOS virtual assistant, can read and compose texts for you without you ever having to look at your phone's screen! As a Real Estate age...
Selling a Home Without the MLS Could Cost You Thousands! Image from There was a fascinating article posted at Inman News showing that homes not listed on an MLS (multiple Listing service) sold for up to 20% less than those listed on the service. In Las Vegas, our averag...
This is what ActiveRain is all about - Google Juice! Here is one way to build Credibility with Google. In case you missed it, here is the previous Boot Camp Class. I hope you find this information as helpful as I have. Blogging Boot Camp 2014 Series - Bonus Class RecapThis year we hosted our ...