A Northern Virginia Home Inspector's Perspective

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Home Inspector - Jay Markanich Real Estate Inspections, LLC - 3380-000723



How to tell if an EPDM roof is wet.EPDM (Ethylene Polypropylene Diene Monomer) is a synthetic rubber roofing surface, produced by Firestone, and if installed properly will last 15 - 20 years depending on the amount of direct sunshine it gets.Key words:  installed properly.Like any product, if a r...
So I ask - is it possible to break disposal blades?  Let's hear an answer!Disposal blades are called "impeller blades."They are designed in different shapes to attempt to cut and chop debris in the disposal.The smaller it is chopped, the easier garbage is to wash away.  The larger the motor (buil...
How to identify poison ivy from the fakes.Well, it's summer and that means, please sing along, 'tis the season, for poison ivy.  People often take walks in the woods in summer.  So, look out! Poison ivy is the bane of every Boy Scoutmaster and scout camp in history!  It's also the bane of hikers ...

Jay Markanich

Home Inspector - servicing all Northern Virginia
local_phone(703) 330-6388
smartphone(703) 585-7560
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An experienced home inspector's look at current home inspection events and conditions along with his useful recommendations.