Free Enterprise Encourages Everyone To Set And Achieve High Goals! "The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving it." Michelangelo (1475-1564) This defines the human experience. Some of us want to strive, and achieve, and...
Here is how you can know how good your windows are even if the builder says they are Energy Star windows.First of all - we need some definitions. Lots of buzz words and catch phrases get thrown around.Energy Star - this has been around since 1992, a program introduced by the EPA as a voluntary p...
On a pre-drywall inspection I noticed this plumbing clean out location - is this thinking ahead? This is a two-level townhouse and you are looking at the lower level full bathroom. It abuts the garage. This will be the sink and the sink cabinet. Here is what I pointed out. The garage will have t...
Free Enterprise Never Happens By Force "The government can supply no substitute for enterprise." Calvin Coolidge (1872 - 1933) And why should it? Gubment cannot provide all it takes for people to dream, desire, create, self motivate, risk, strive, or work. Work you say? Free enterprise requi...
The features list said, "New water main shut off and water heater." Not bad! That's always good news, especially with an older house like this one. The old water mains in such houses are often so stiff they do not operate. Most home inspectors will check that. And there it is! The new valve i...
For a couple of days, our beach tent is our home away from our hotel home away from our home home. And today I am home in the Markanich Mansion. My annual three-day vacation has ended. The family has longer, but we all end at the same time. I floated, not wanting to do anything but float, but g...
Returning for a minute from my home away from home away from home I noticed an uproar at the soft ice cream shop. One of the national chains smartly has a small, specialty location right on the beach in the center of town. They don't serve everything the bigger locations do. Just the most popul...
You heard of the song, "Bad Moon Rising..."? Here I am beginning my annual three-day vacation - this year Virginia Beach. Here is this morning's view from the balcony. Good sun rising! It's supposed to be uncommonly hot, extremely sunny, windless and calm. I have my surfboard and I intend to floa...
Free Enterpise Is Not Unrestrained Intervention And Regulation "Fortunately, political freedom and economic progress are natural partners. Despite capitalism's lingering reputation as the source of all the world's evils, the fact remains that every single democracy is a capitalist country. Ha...
This is a seller who is asking that a buyer pay no attention to the termites under the mattress. I am surprised sometimes at the lengths people will go to hide problems with their house. Some people are VERY good at it. Others are not. Outdoors I could see a potential problem inside. The wood s...