Sometimes the weight of a lost relationship, car accident, catastrophe, lost income, or maybe an impending decision can leave you feeling down. Putting yourself on full throttle to help someone else without a good ending can make you feel underappreciated. It's easy to slip into a place of com
The current median price for Homes in Scottsdale is $486,000 as of January 3, 2019. Median prices are calculated by removing the very high and low listings and coming up with a median price. Prices range from co-op condos under $100,000 all the way to luxury homes in North Scottsdale. There a
An exciting new community is in the works for Tempe, Arizona! Tempe MicroEstate Community is scheduled to be built in the Summer of 2019. This unique, first of it's kind "Micro-Estate" community consists of 13 single family homes, a community building with a laundry facility that includes grey