Jan's Green Blog, Scottsdale, AZ!

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Top Mistakes to Avoid When Selling Your Home Interested in selling your home quickly and for more money?  Then follow these tips to make sure to avoid these hurdles when selling your home.  By skirting these pitfalls, you can be assured a quicker sale, more money, and less hassle.  This data, Top...
Phoenix Achieves Better Air Quality Severel air polluting reduction projects have been completed in the Phoenix Metro Area, helping the city to surpass goals.  Some of the major contributions include: Buckeye has installed a new methane capture system at a landfill; Phoenix has installed LED ligh...
Debbie shares a story in this blog about her buyer not wanting to remove his shoes.  My first thought was that a seller had left a less than rose smelling pair of socks out for the world to see.  But in this instance, her buyer refused to remove his shoes for the showing because his own socks wer...
Phoenix Buses Go Green -  In an ongoing effort to reduce air pollution, lower emissions, and use less fuel for our city buses, Phoenix Buses Go Green!   120 new buses will be hitting the streets pretty soon.  36 are already out there so you may have seen them.  Old buses will be phased out with a...
Natural Scents For Your Home - Today I was reading an article on the Linkedin group, Real Estate Professionals Referral Group, by Florence Mattar, "101 Household Tips for Every Room."  It struck a chord because this time of year our windows are closed and we aren't getting fresh air.  Our homes c...
I Got The Listing Because of My Niche! It's an exciting day when 6 years of work pays off!  Six years ago I earned a designation that I've coddled, cultured, and crafted into a solid network of business owners, vendors, clients and acquaintances.  It's been a great ride so far and I wouldn't trad...
50 Food Trucks at Salt River Fields -  Food Trucks are becoming quite the rage in Phoenix and this event features 50 Food Trucks at Salt River Fields!  Celebrating 3 Years, this event is sure to fill your appetite.  There will be live entertainment, Kid Zone, Cooking Classes, Beer and Wine from l...
Maintain Your Home -  This afternoon's meeting with a new client/builder/seller included a conversation about a company that is downsizing and probably will close in the coming year or two.  A couple of employees have been "let go" among the few remaining.   One of the employees is middle age, wi...
Phoenix is a National Model Says EPA  On January 8, 2014, Gina McCarthy,EPA Adminstrator visited Phoenix to tour our City.   She is featured here announcing our successes in Phoenix.  We have a HUGE number of solar arrays, pedestrian projects, light rail system, green buses, Grand Avenue project,...
Barrett Jackson Scottsdale It's Car Auction time for Barrett Jackson Scottsdale.  This year's Auction is January 12 - 19, 2014 in Scottsdale, at Westworld.  Saturday, January 11, 2014 is a kickoff event at the The Pavillions, Indian Bend just west of the 101, 3 - 6 pm.   The rest of the schedule ...

Jan Green - Scottsdale, AZ

HomeSmart Elite Group, REALTOR®, EcoBroker, GREEN
local_phone(602) 620-2699
smartphone(602) 620-2699
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Certified EcoBroker, The Green Chamber, US Green Building Council (USGBC), AZ Chapter, Energy Efficient Homes, REALTOR, HomeSmart,Scottsdale, Phoenix, Cave Creek, Carefree, Tempe, Arizona, home buyers,home sellers, EcoBroker, GREEN Certified Homes, Selling Arizona Solar https://www.linkedin.com/in/janlgreen Locations of visitors to this page Subscribe to my blog!

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