Jane Macken's (janemacken) Blog

Real Estate Agent - Coldwell Banker
Do you have a behavior that you don't like about yourself?  When I wrote "The Art of Managing..., I was talking about our hidden Self...it's the other side of us that we don't want others to see.  Working on Self as helps you rid those negative thoughts and feelings.  "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabe...
Hello to all:  I would greatly appreciate your letting me know how you search your MLS to find homes that are fixer-uppers.  And, how do you differentiate whether they are individual-owned or bank-owned.  I have a General Contractor who is looking to find a "deal" in that he wants to buy somethin...
This year I met Lorna Hines who is a Real Estate Consultant who teaches and coaches effective and efficient dialogues for buying and selling homes. She said, "The power of negotiating is the ability to walk away; and, the skill of negotiating is never having to." What a profound concept. I learne...
I am still seeing short sales and bank owned properties as a result of foreclosures.  Buyers are sitting on the fence because the market is so volatile...most are saying that they want to wait until after the election, six months or Spring because they believe the prices will go down further.  Se...
This year I met Lorna Hines who is a Real Estate Consultant who teaches and coaches effective and efficient dialogues for buying and selling homes.  She said, "The power of negotiating is the ability to walk away; and, the skill of negotiating is never having to."  What a profound concept.  I lea...
I have so many Buyers sitting on the sideline waiting to see who is elected President in November.  I am not sure what the impact will be if the next president is a Democrat or Republican.  I would love to know what your thoughts are on how you believe the presidential election will impact the re...
How do you get Seller Listings?  What are your thoughts about Farming -- walking the neighborhood and knocking on doors?  What are your thoughts about sending post cards, personal notes and items of value or interest?  What are your thoughts about joining organizations, such as area chamber of co...
What are your experiences lately with Buyers who all of a sudden want to wait six months because of the volatility of the market?  What do you say to a Buyer who thinks the home value will go down more?  I tried to satisfy the want, however, unsuccessfully (i.e., "if it's what you want and plan o...
What are your experiences with homeowners who believe their house has not decreased in value, knowing that other homes and other areas have lost value?  I tried to do a couple of expired listings and the owner was unwilling to reduce their price from the last listing price that didn't sell, even ...
In our busy schedules, I just had to share this humor to break the routine. Question:  Did you hear the one about the 2 Irishmen who walked by the local pub? Answer:  It could happen you know!!!

Jane Macken

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