HiFriends Clearly, Holy week is our major global event; we celebrate one of the biggest Religious events. It is true that we should pray but above all, we should think and reflect about our personal things!! I'm personally a believer of God, but besides doing all the things previously mentioned
Hola amigos.Definitivamente la semana mayor es un acontecimiento global, se celebra uno de los acontecimientos religiosos mas importantes.Es verdad que debemos orar, recapacitar y ante todo reflexionar!!Yo en lo personal soy un creyente en Dios, pero ademas de hacer todo lo mencionado anteriormen
Hello everyone. Selling yourself is a tough task. Many attempt to do this through marketing campaigns including print materials, online marketing and all the other strategies out there. All these are important and valid ways to get out to your potential clients, however what I really mean by sell
Life is crazy a lot of us are struggling for business, now we just receive a really good lead, this guy is a buyer ready to buy his house in rawlins wyoming, the worst part is that unfortunately I don't have a client down there.If any of you guys know a Hispanic Realtor or an American one that ac
Hey guys I have a question.I have been working on active rain for almost 10 months and I love it. For a long time I thought that I could only put a post on 5 groups, actually at the beginning I made a lot of mistakes because I wanted to have my post on more than 5 groups without repost it becau
You will be able to find these services for free through out the Internet using google, Babel or many other providers. They will offer you to do translations into more than 12 languages. If you need to get an over view about a theme, you may be able to understand the general concept, but if you
Hi.I received a phone call today from Katherine Gillis a really nice account executive from http://www.vargainc.com/She gave me a really good explanation about the services that they provide and I think that this could be an interesting strategy to target neighbourhoods!!Making sure that the clie
Esta frase la escuche de niño muchas veces sin entender su verdaro significado.La razon por la que la menciono es la siguiente: En varios post que he leido me he llevado la sorpresa de que aun en el año 2008 vemos gente que sigue discriminando y peor aun omitiendo ciertas razas, idiomas y cultura
Desafortunadamente la falta de informacion es una de las grandes razones por las cuales muchas familias no pueden hacer sus pagos a tiempo y llegan a perder sus hogares.A continuacion hay 8 consejos practicos para evitar la perdida de nuestros hogares: Preste atención a todas las notificaciones
Hola Amigos.Encontre esta noticia en http://www.VivaReal.us Se que esta noticia es de gran interes para todos nosotros!! Directivos del Banco de América han anunciado que respaldarán el plan de crear una Corporación para la Preservación de la Propiedad de Vivienda debido a la situacion actual de