Eleanor Thorne Has given me the pleasure and challenge of finding a precious and undiscovered gem in the rain. So I searched and searched to find someone to "out" and then just like that an email arrives from this undiscovered gem and she tells me is golfing so ...... Sherry Bradley You h
Are you kidding me it is HUMP day on Radio Rain So lets start our little show off with a warning to all of you looking forward to St Pattys this weekendKeep yourself off The Coconut TelegraphAnd stay away fromMack the KnifeAlright all you Rainers time to get up and danceAndDon't Stop the MusicNow
Well of course with a construction loan. These are not for the timid and faint of heart. Build a new home is one of the top 3 stress producing events that a person can undertake. (The other 2 involve marriage and death)So Lets examine the steps of a Construction loan. First, you must have a re
No this is about what do you dream..... What you want your life to be like when you are finally able to relax. Some of my friends will tell you I am living that life (as they did tonight) but I say this is not what I DREAM. I will tell you this and you will be shock
WOWOWOWOWOWWelcome one and all to the first SUMMER time (almost) Radio RainFirst up tonight the Stray Cats withSummer Time BluesNow admit this morning when you woke up you pissed and moaned about the dark... butThis afternoon when you left the office you were walking on SUNSHINEand that extra Su
I KNOW YOU ARE AND I KNOW WHY Look elect me President and we will do away with Standard Time and just have this extra daylight every day. No matter how crappy (can I type that) your day was. When you left the office today (notice I said today not tonight)
Which of these homes are resting on FHA/permanent foundations? Answers later in the program.The HUD booklet on Permanent Foundations can be download all 405 pages of it, but let me try and speed up your reading some.As someone that has sold many manufactured
ok I have a meeting in the morning so your Friday treat is early and feel free to join and take your turn at dj for the rain TGI freaking F ............ It is Friday On Radio Rain and you know what that brings...Beach dance music and to start us off open up your favorite bottle ofRed Red WineA
k listen up all you Rainers it is HUMP day on Active Rain RadioJoin usAndJam with usFirst up tonight is The Talking Heads (goes with my blog earlier today) and Burning Down the HouseNext a group of BareNaked Ladies and the old aptartmentGuess they need a different Realtor What is up next on the o
CNN Article It isn't that big of a story. Really!?! Just thought that all you talking heads out there in TV land might want to catch up on what is going on. Mortgage mess and homes losing value, I understand that gets you better ratings and there fore brings in higher ad revenue for you sta