Well, that is the question in the State of Colorado and as an INDEPENDENT Broker/Banker I and almost 9000 others will be taking our 40 hours of education and our 2 part 100 question exam to keep our licenses. ( I am taking the exam tomorrow). But will this written exam, make ME a better Mor
Wednesday Night on Radio Rain And your faithful DJ Scuba Joe is lacking motivationEver since Vacation I got a case of the I don't Wanna's So tonight Lets see if we can find motivationFirst up is A Satisfied MANSome how that just fitsOk Looks like it might be Southern Rock Night and I have no issu
BUT JOE!!!!! that is what the media and EVERYONE claims that it is.... what do you mean it isn't!!!!Just that my friends FHA is not a replacement for "SUB PRIME" loans!!But alot of loans that were sold as "sub prime" could have been of should have been FHA.....Ok so what brings on this rant ton
This is an on going debate at the after hours let's have a beer sub office meetings. Ok the sub office is actually Applebee's but since my office is right next door that is what we have started to call it.How do we as professionals and I am referring to Realtors, Mortgage Pros even title and sta
Mr. Tony Amaya to Active Rain as well as Major Mortgage USA. I think Tony will add a little spice to our little and growing community. While his backgroud is in the resturant and law enforcement fields it is his touch with people that will be a welcomed addition to us all. A little story about
OH MY the DJ Scuba Joe is back in the houseThanks E for the call today and the silly pep talkTONIGHTS THEME IS Kick Butt 80's Movie MusicAre you ready.....For Tom Cruise.... I know you ladies recall thisRisky Business I loved the line..... some times you got to say WTFOk just for us guysHow many
I mean why won't you let the contract be written for what the seller owes if that is what you truly intend to happen?? And why did you call my office asking to raise the price up to $5,000 over as I was on my way to the airport for my vacation?? and Why oh why upon my return are you insisting
Welcome to a return from vacation Radio RainLets start with a taste of the islandsand now for some tuneageThe BuddhahoodAnd no it isn't about some guy in New England in a hoodieHow about the pride(?) of the Caymans Barefoot ManHow about a little Steel Drum tune from this band in St LuciaI am Scu
Well I have to tell you that it was a great week..... 14 scuba dives, lots of fresh and I mean FRESH fish and well adult beverages....... But that isn't what I learned from vacation. No what I learned thanks to not having an INTERNATIONAL phone package and well leaving the blackberry OFF, is
Oh my Friday morning on Radio Rain and it is kick of vacation day for your dedicated DJ Scuba JoeSo lets get this started with 99 Luft BalloonsNext upI Just want to flyDo you remember Phil Collins with hair?I cant DanceYou know what my dear friends Jesus Just ChicagoAnd finally as I head out for