RING RINGGGGGG there goes that dang phone again, oh hi Trunda Rogers , you need a Good Faith for your client? No problem, have it to you in 30 minutes. Sure no trouble, as I take down the credit scores and all the information on the home. Not a problem at all. Now I know that a lot of my fe
Edvard Munch and his famous painting have absolutely nothing on our industry and the American public and economy today. But as we watch the carnage on wall street one thing I have noticed and no talking head has mention..... BOTH companies were major players in the ALT A/ Sub Prime market. Lehm
That is right, I did not stumble on those words as I typed them. It is time to TRASH the FICO credit score!!!! It is out of date and well honestly it is worthless. Can you please explain to me how someone that has never paid a bill on time or at all has a 650 credit score? SubPrime was built o
For those that are not "seasoned enough" to remember "E" Tickets at Disneyland/World it was the ticket to get you on the best and most exciting rides. I have fielded numerous calls today about what is going on with rates. What will they do next?is the biggest question and to be honest, I re
Well since Eleanor doesn't or won't relate this story, guess it falls to me. You see Active Rain does work and the consumer will and can find you if you offer what they are searching for at the second. Example, of course I have one!!! About 2 months ago, I got a call from a potential client i
Well mine did yesterday....... and it was rather odd. It appears that the loan officers in this local bank do not know the guidelines for a manufactured home loan. It appears that one of my potential client's mother works for this local bank and since this is a used doublewide that is to be mov
Robert Rauf has written a nice post about What is the Difference between Pre Approval and Pre Qualification. But I feel he stopped short of what we as mortgage professionals need to help you as Real Estate professionals understand what we do and how and why. As I said in my comment to him "Rob
This story has roots that started a year ago. A YOUNG couple comes into my office and I crushed them..... They thought by paying cash and staying debt free they were doing good and they were, BUT he was just recently self employed...... (ok, I have an issue with contractors hiring "employees" a
Oh come on....... This didn't happen??? Yes it did!!!! Now we all get "phishing emails" and at first I was about to delete this one, but I was on my way to a closing and just set it aside and then I got the second 30 seconds later........ The first was "confirming my $1,000 transfer to another
Stacie Colclasure was written a very nice post about her experience with a "season" veteran of the Real Estate world. She has a line in there that just made me jump up and say seasoned means "some one that has not kept up with the times and classes". She wrote "He will give $2,000 cash to them