Greetings and welcome to my new virtual me!!!! Please say HI to MoJoe and yes he is my new logo. Why a new logo???? Well in these times as tough as the competation is I thought something a little different to help set me apart. So, since I am an avid golfer and scuba diver and I have lenders
Well? Where? or did you sit on your arse all day waiting for the phone to ring? Yesterday I recieved a call from a gentleman 5 hours away that has read my blog here and had some questions about manufactured homes and yes I can do the loans for him..... But what did I do today? Let me tell
The state of our profession troubles me. I have stewed on this for many, sleepless nights; but I am troubled by our lack of knowledge,caring and compassion. If you add on top of these things the so far out of touch most in this business are; well I am deeply troubled. Lets start with the out
Even more so now than ever, we as professionals need to go "Old School" and by that I mean, we need to know and understand what program when, why and where! We must be careful as loan professionals and to some extent Realtors to not fall in love with just one program. Right now
I will be honest, well because it is a lot easier than anything else. I am sick and tried and just plain fed up with the pity looks on peoples faces when I meet them and the find out what I do for a living. They look at you with this sad face and say something like..... "and how is that going
I just spent an hour with a Realtor that was crying and moaning the "ain't got no buyer blues" and they are thinking about getting out of the business.......... My response...... GET THE F*&^ OUT!!!! The last thing the public needs is a crying, whining Realtor or Loan Officer! Look, I am the
I mean honest, when did this profession become so complacent and just sitting back and waiting for clients to walk in the door? When did we get so reliant on computers and Automated Underwriting that we forgot how to work a deal? I got 2 different calls from loan officers that work in one of
As I sat with a young couple today watching them sign the papers to purchase their first home, the husband said "this feels like Christmas when I was a kid". I looked at him and he went on.... ."for both of us, I mean I woke up at 4 in the morning and the clock just went so slow.... waiting.....
Wow, there is so much that goes into that, but what got me started thinking about this is a conversation with Eleanor and what she said was something along the lines on Mortgage people make good business people. To be fair I shared with her a business plan that I have written to possible purc
In a past life when I sold manufactured homes the more difficult the economy and the higher the interest rates the better we did. WHY, becuase of AFFORDABILITY! Just think, as the price of homes is up (yes even today after all that has happened) and financing rates go up that brings monthly pa