Micki OToole's (irish12701) Blog

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Property Manager - PropertyADVANTAGE - CA BRE # 01450265
                                                   Buyer Beware! While I love the holiday season, I do NOT like shopping during the holiday season. There are many reasons for my lack of enthusiasm but my BIGGEST reason is the rampant consumerism that has turned an otherwise joyous time into one o...
Fall is my favorite time of year here in the Inland Empire. The cool, crisp, clean air, the turning of the leaves (yeah I know, it can't compare to other states, but hey I'll take what I can get) and my favorite of all: the lighting ceremony for The Festival of Lights at the Mission Inn in downto...
You will see a lot of announcements in many forms regarding the extension of the first time homebuyer tax credit. While the Senate and the House have most definately approved the extension, it still must be signed by President Obama. This may or may not happen as early as today. So while I'm fee...
This is great information! Short sales can be challenging but know that there ARE agents out there who work hard to get the job done no matter what it takes.  MickiFreddie Mac- Is there anyone there that knows how to read? Our last hope is that someone there in your office has the decency to resp...
Recently I was lamenting to a close friend of mine about how I wish I would have made some different career decisions back in 2004. "I would be in a much better financial position than I am today" I told her. Her response to me will stick in my mind and heart forever. She said: "Micki, if you had...
  I felt that it was important to communicate the BIG change coming in the first part of 2008. I didn't see any other posts on this, but as R.E. agents and consumers, you NEED to be aware of these changes as it will have an impact on would be homebuyers and those seeking to refinance. Fannie Mae ...
This is a long overdue blog post, but here goes. I am TIRED of the blame game as it relates to our current mortgage and real estate market. Not a day goes by that I don't read or hear about how it's all the mortgage brokers fault for the current state of the mortgage market, because people were p...
The best book I have ever read on the subject of customer service is "Customer Satisfaction is Worthless, Customer Loyalty is Priceless" by Jeffrey Gitomer. If I had my way, everyone that owned a business would be required to read it. Coming from an extensive management background at a Fortune 50...
                                                                               DON'T PANIC!Yes. alot is happening in the industry that not only affects my business, but yours as a real estate professional as well. You've heard the headlines about the liquidity crisis, or credit crunch. But please...

Micki OToole

General Manager
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