ActiveRain Inspiration Station ~ Find Inspiration for your Blog's Blog

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There is no time to rest.  We know this month is busy for you but you must keep going.  There is no better way to ensure a successful 2012 by finishing off 2011 with a bang.  Feeling overwhelmed and can't think of anything to blog about?  Well the Inspiration Train is here....Choo Choo!!! Highlig...
Everyone should be nice and rested with that extra hour yesterday so time to buckle down and get your weekly homework out of the way. The weather has taken a turn for the cold as of late and many are searching for tips on insulation.  Tips to keep your heating biill at bay start with proper winte...
Tomorrow is the start of November and many relate that to Thanksgiving.  Trending topics include parades and races around your city.  Lots of 5K, marathons, walk-athons and runs for a cause are popping up in and around your area. Research these community events and become an expert on them to sha...
It's no secret that Halloween is trending right now and will continue for the next week.  It's crunch time and everyone is getting in the mood.  They're looking for costume ideas, pumpkin patches and haunted houses around your city!  It's very important that you all make these posts your own by a...
It's Inspiration Station time again folks.  Week 1 had everyone busy writing about pumpkin patches in their area.  We saw lots of posts on this very subject which hopefully boosted your appearance on the web.  I want to make sure everyone is aware of ARU.  If you attend Bob's SEO class you're sur...
Our inaugural week of the Inspiration Station is upon us and we've got a fun one for you; one that will bring you exposure and help you dominate your community. It's that time of year when all the goblins and ghouls are searching for the perfect pumpkin in their area.  Why not be the one to show ...
First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do. ~Epictetus I'd never heard of Epictetus before I went looking for a quote for this blog post. In fact, I wanted a quote that actually used the word 'inspiration' because that's what we are calling our new weekly blog assign...

Inspiration Station

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