Bob's Home Inspection Blog

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Home Inspector - Aspect Inspection
Bob's Blog is a continuing series of building technology half page or longer articles for Real Estate Professionals, as well as home buyers and home sellers. Information is presented from an experienced construction professional and residential inspector.
Know what you are looking at?  Easy, Read the signs, Follow them! DO you know? Well there's a couple of my foot prints there in the attic floor insulation. But there's more. A lot more. All over the place.  They aren't individual tracks like mine. No, they are pathways for much smaller feet.  And...
Telegraphing - Not just the original text messaging system. Calling it the original text message system is a very apt description in todays world, but long before 'text messages' as we know them today appeared, to telegraph had another meaning. To reveal underlying or hidden conditions that are n...
Hello HAIL hole ? Heck no hail hole, that's one of three.......... what? Have a look at this hole, looks like an impact puncture from this angle. Hence the 'hail' in the title. But if hail did this 'damage' there would be lots of other impacts as well. Then I found another one (2nd photo) ;   And...
Here is a good example of the difference between a good inspector and everyone else. Nobody else would have given this tiny plant a second thought. It's far from being an emergency but it exactly the timely information that owners of this property need. This is a re-blog so if you have comments f...
  It's Money In The Bank....Literally. Do you take payments on site or while on the road? Most service providers (like inspectors) do routinely or at least occasionally. Sure you can be paid by cheque but there are risks. They can return for insufficient funds, incompletion or corrections not ini...
WARNING: Your TV may be too small! (Or too far away!) Disclaimer: Not responsible for readers who buy larger TV from reading this article. The local power utility here in the Montreal area puts out a monthly newsletter, to all it’s billing clientele, that encourages good electrical habits and rec...
  This is a very well written article describing defects in water softener installations. For most of the Montreal area, water softeners are not required, however they are in use in some of the surrounding municipalities that get water from different sources and/or wells.  All the points mentione...
  I'm re-bloging this article. The original blog is written by Jeremy Wrenn but once you look at the comments you'll see that he and I co-authored a discussion about the topic.  The pros and cons of technique. We did not always agree but came to understand that we used different terms and worked ...
"That's The Way We Always Do It." = Building Damage = Hidden Defect The following is excerpts from a letter written for my client as court evidence because the decking contractor damaged the building structure by cutting (off) 6 posts that he was warned not to cut as they were structural. As a re...
That a president made the statement, speaks well of him, but everyone needs this level of safety awareness. It just makes no sense to be exposed to daily risks that can easily be corrected. Robert Butler    While reading the Presidential Proclamation - National Building Safety Month I took pause ...

Robert Butler

Montreal Home Inspector | Aspect Inspection
smartphone(514) 914-1249
Contact The Author
Usually I'm presenting an aspect of home maintenance, value improvement or 'how too' instructions to feature best practice ways to do things around building and property issues. Some times it's building tech history or how thing came to be as they are, the back story on terms, expressions and phrases. I keep track of the strange, the unique, the special and interesting things I get to see, including the dangers. These are filed as OMGs. OMGs always have photos, so I share the file with you from time to time. The rest come out of thin air. More than once I start writing a comment on someone else's blog and end up inking a whole new blog. Am I inspired or am I ranting? You can decide.