Currently there are 68 active listings in Clarksburg. Here’s information on those Clarksburg homes that have come on the market during the past two weeks, including the addresses and listing prices: . 22520 Winding Woods Way - $579,090 .8 Catawba Manor Court - $465,000 .13024 Blacksmith Drive -
Thirty-three Clarksburg townhomes are now under contract awaiting settlement. Here’s information on those that have gone under contract just during the past week, including the address and listing price: .23804 Burdette Forest Road - $424,950 .23223 Rainbow Arch Drive - $424,900 .13002 Clarksbur
There has been a dramatic increase in Clarksburg real estate activity, which is exciting news to home sellers. The number of homes sold in Clarksburg jumped 100 percent in September 2012 compared to September 2011, and the median sold price increased by 13.4 percent during that same timeframe.
During the past week, nine Clarksburg homes have been listed for sale. Following are their addresses and listing prices: .22567 Winding Woods Way - $745,385 .15830 Comus Road - $519,500 .12803 Clarksburg Square Road - $489,990 .11918 Chestnut Branch Way - $469,990 .11810 Echo Point Place - $434,
Here' a link to a presentation that outlines home sales and economic conditions in the Montgomery County and Prince Georges County suburbs of Washington, DC. It's short (3:32) and deserves a viewing if you're interested in this marketplace.