Commercial REOs, Commercial Foreclosures, and Bank-Owned Property

Real Estate Agent - ALL Vegas Valley Realty
Warning: Reading Ron Costa's blogging ideas and information may cause a quick increase in blood pressure and perhaps allergic reactions to information you've never encountered before. Read at your own risk In addition, find out more about recession proof investments that can take the worry out of the volatile economic conditions that exist today.
The economy is bad enough and there's just about no one here in Vegas that doesn't seem to be underwater with their home mortgage. Which means only one thing: it provides the perfect opportunity for scammers, and home loan modification seems to be the scam of choice these days. Just the other day...
As of today, I now have access to the legendary "$100 million REO foreclosure portfolios, both residential and commercial properties typically made available to only the elite hedge funds and institutional investors that have "inside connections" of some kind. As a result, I am looking for invest...
If you're active on Active Rain, most likely you understand the value of blogging. In addition to my Active Rain blogging, I've been working very closely with the folks over at the Free Blog Factory in creating fully customized wordpress blogs and wanted to showcase another blog we just published...
McIntosh Commercial Bank has lost so much money on loans that, by one measure, it was financially the weakest of Georgia's roughly 300 banks. So rather than look within for insights as to why the bank has failed miserably, representatives are actually complaining that federal regulators were bein...
Do newspapers, TV, and the media in general report what's REALLY going on in the news, specifically commercial real estate? It's hard to believe what you read some times when the authors of these newsworthy pieces are clearly misssing out on key signals and indicators that portend exactly the opp...
You know why people hate real estate agents? Because there's a perceived notion out there that real estate agents are all after the commission without regard to whether or not the purchase (or sale) is right for the CLIENT.I want to share with you an email I just received that drives home exactly...
Lately, I've heard rumblings that we're actually entering into an economic "recovery". With high unemployment and massive household debt, that's hard to believe. Remember, many people have financed their expensive lifestyles and the bills are coming due. Financial services, home-building, auto wo...
Commercial foreclosures are looming in the future. Here's more bad news for commercial real estate owners: there's no demand for your product. Looking to increase cash flow to meet expensive debt service? Not a good bet. As tenants continue to downsize to cut costs, landlords are facing serious c...
Well, unfortunately, according to the Emerging Trends, there really is no market to watch at this point. They are not bullish on any particular place. But they do say that investors tend to favor the following: Global gateway markets on the East and West coasts—featuring international airports, p...
Nobody likes to read government documents and reports. It's probably because they're all long, boring, drawn-out with pages and pages of fluff information that no one cares about. However, in the case of the 2010 Congressional Oversight Panel Report, I started reading the document, and I must say...

Ron Costa

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Warning: Reading Ron Costa's blogging ideas and information may cause a quick increase in blood pressure and perhaps allergic reactions to information you've never encountered before. Read at your own risk