Possibly one may remember the TV series Mission Impossible. The top agency agent portrayed by Peter Graves, would receive a self destructing tape message about the mission if the agent would decided to accept it. The message would specifically state what had to be achieved (who, what, where, wh
For many, vision is the first step when engaging in a strategic thinking and planning process. In my workbook Triage Business Planning, I include this short story.Alice in Wonderland comes across the Cheshire Cat sitting in the tree where there are several paths. She politely asks the Cat “Which
Sometimes the gratitude in selling vacant land property is not the dollars but rather knowing the successful sale has relieved the seller of stress. In this rural vacant land sale, the seller was elderly and wanted to sell this property to avoid her heirs from having to deal with the property. Th
Mention the word passion and people will share what they really love to do, what motivates them. Yet the origins of this word might surprise many.Passion is from the Greek word “pascho” and means to “suffer.” I would imagine many would not be able connect their beliefs about passion to suffering.
Yesterday the DIRT ROAD REAL ESTATE work family, met out on the west side of Oatman, AZ on old Route 66 to participate in an annual Oatman Christmas event. Each Christmas holiday season, individuals and small businesses are encouraged to decorate a tree or bush with Christmas decorations. The re
Today the word “Values” is often heard. Within the strategic thinking planning sessions, this activity of writing down your “Values” usually follows the Vision Statement. From my experience, I believe one’s values, those non-negotiable behaviors, are the foundation for the Vision as well as Missi
Purpose is such a powerful to almost magical word. A simple definition of this word from Dictionary.com is “the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc.” A deeper meaning offered by OpenUp.com suggests purpose “is the driving forced behind your decisions and actions, guiding
Funny think how many small business owners including real estate agents use their checkbook for their bottom line. If the checkbook has enough dollars to pay current expenditures, great. If not, panic ensues. Not necessarily the best way to live as it breeds anxiety, additional emotional and comp
2025 is just 31 days away. There appears as every year continued angst in the real estate industry and real estate market. The so call industry experts are predicting everything from feast to famine. Now might be a good time to begin your own strategic thinking countdown to improve your results i
Yesterday as I was walking into a local grocery store here in Kingman, AZ, an older woman sitting in a white van. She called out to me and said “May I ask you a question?” My response was of course though I may not have an answer. The lady then asked as she was looking at my truck “What is a grit