Rhonda makes such a great point here. Heather Chavez, Real Estate Virtual Assistant - Second Self Virtual Assistance: When There Isn't Enough of You to Go Around! Or are you quick to realize that more efficiency comes from doing it the other way around? Do you pull on a door that is sporti
My family absolutely loves pizza. When we left Southern California, we were so sad to be leaving one of our favorite places (Chicago Pasta House) that served the most fantastic authentic Chicago Deep Dish. Awesome! Imagine our delight when we found out that there was a brand new pizza place ri
About 2 and a half months ago, my little family uprooted itself from Southern California to Idaho to be near my husband's family. Southern California is the only place my son has ever lived. I was born there, moved away as a kid and spent the last 25 years there again. So, it made me giggle wh
Again, I am constantly amazed at what is considered a "National Day of". Who thinks of some of these? January 10National Clean Off Your Desk Day (It's a good idea to celebrate this more than just once a year) January 12National Pharmacist Day (What do you give 'em, though?) January 13Make Your D
I'm a little teapot short and stout,Here is my handle, here is my spout,When I get all steamed up hear me shout,Tip me over and pour me out. I am not much of a coffee drinker because it never tastes as good as it smells unless you put a ton of stuff in it. Too much work, I think. I do, however,
My husband is QUITE the guacamole snob. We have often had to re-train wait staff at Mexican restaurants who bring out a couple of avocados, skin them, squish them together and call it "guacamole". My husband would only eat my mother-in-law's recipe for years. So, I got the recipe from her. In
A friend of mine sent these to me in an email and I knew I just HAD to share them. If you can't relate to at least one of them, you're just not human! Here's to getting your weekend started off right. Reasons to Smile... Heather Chavez, Real Estate Virtual Assistant - Second Self Virtual Assist
Today is Twelfth Day. But, what does that mean? In Western Europe, they believed that the holiest day of the year was December 25th (signifying the birth of Christ). However, in Eastern Europe, they believed that the holiest day of the year was January 6th (signifying the "epiphany", when the
When I read Elizabeth Cooper-Golden's blog post "Don't Pick Your Nose in Public", it reminded me about what I said to my son about paying attention to how he conducts himself online, too. I recently allowed my son to set up his own Facebook page (he just turned 16). Now, that may seem old by tod
If you're participating in this challenge (not contest, CHALLENGE) like I am, then check out the rules update below. I really want this to be a resolution I stick to. Thanks, Connie! Heather Chavez, Real Estate Virtual Assistant - Second Self Virtual Assistance: When There Isn't Enough of You