February may be the shortest month of the year, but there isn't any shortage of fun February holidays. In addition to National Black History Month, there are some really fun holidays. Take a look: Bake for Family Fun MonthCanned Food MonthCreative Romance Month - Oo, la la!Fabulous Florida Stra
Thank you, Connie Harvey, for creating the 31 Day Challenge for January 2011. Without your challenge, my resolution to blog once a day would have probably fallen by the wayside, much like just about any other resolution I make. It would have been so much easier for me to just say "Ah, forget ab
Everyone knows that one of the keys to good SEO is choosing the right keywords. Once you've decided what keywords you want to focus on, you need to check your keyword density on your site. By using these words too little, they become ineffectual. However, over-saturating your site with keyword
One of the most frequently visited pages after a site's landing page is the "About Me" page. I am still amazed that there are REALTORS® out there who don't have anything more than contact info on their "About Me" pages, if they even have an "About Me" page to begin with. You need to think of yo
Websites who have been around a while have a slightly higher advantage when it comes to ranking by the search engines. The age of a site lends weight because it is considered to have more longevity than a site that was just created. If you're interested in checking the age of one of your rival'
I am a MAJOR movie hound. I love comedies, dramas, horror (my favorite), independent films, big budget action flicks, those little foreign numbers, musicals...you name it, I will probably watch it. I've even watched bad movies hoping they'll get better (Hey, 'Howard the Duck' actually wasn't th
The snow is gone but the cold is not. When you come from a place that is usually viewed through a brown haze, having the sun great you brightly in the morning is great...even if it is only 30 degrees out! Heather Chavez, Real Estate Virtual Assistant - Second Self Virtual Assistance: When There
WordPress is a very popular, relatively inexpensive and easy-to-use system to create your own independent blog or website. In fact, Second Self Virtual Assistance offers help in setting up your own WordPress site. Many website out there offer their own web/blog templates specifically for WordPr
I love history. Whenever I can, I soak up as much of it as possible. I was looking at things to do in my local area and came across the historic Caldwell Train Depot in Caldwell, Idaho (701 Main Street). Established in 1883, the original train depot was a very small, unassuming building. By 1
In honor of National Be on Purpose Month (and thanks to Connie Harvey's 31 Days of January challenge), here is my latest installment of Holidays and Events for January and my 22nd day in a row that I've made sure to add a blog post: January 24, 2010:Belly Laugh Day (Oh yeah! My favorite!)Nationa