Sandra Nickel's (hatteam) Blog

Real Estate Broker/Owner - Sandra Nickel REALTORS



​The idea of buying your first home is exciting and it would be easy to jump the gun and start looking right away.  But before you start your home search there are some steps you should take to prepare:Educate YourselfIt is crucial that you understand the steps involved in buying a house before y...
Older homes appeal to many due to their charm and endurance.  But living in an older home can become cumbersome as its parts age and break.  You can update your little piece of history without changing the overall ambiance that attracted you to begin with.  Here are some simple and inexpensive wa...
Even in the best of times, people spend a lot of time indoors.  And while it is important to get outside to get fresh air, you may want to do something to improve the quality of the air IN your home.  If you enjoy gardening, you don’t have to limit it to outdoors.  There are lots of houseplants t...
Life seems to be on hold right now due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), but that doesn’t mean that everything just stops.  While social distancing is vital to our health and well-being, moving to a new home is something that might not be able to wait.  Whether you are relocating for a job, or...
Do you love the idea of growing your own food, but don’t have room for a garden? Don’t worry! You can still grow vegetables and herbs even if you don’t have a sunny patch of soil to plant them in. You just need some containers!  You might be surprised to discover how many of your favorite edibles...

Sandra Nickel

The Hat Team
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