I wrote a post earlier this week called, I Visited Your Open House, Why Didn't You Follow Up?, and it seems to have struck a nerve. Rightly, I think. There were very few responses to the post that didn't take a strong position. While some see no value in open houses and simply don't hold them,...
My recent blog post - "I Visited Your Open House, Why Didn't You Follow Up?" generated a lot of comments. Thanks ActiveRainers! Like most things, there seemed to be a lot of difference in opinion on the value of Open Houses and whether or not you should follow-up with the people that come. Dawn...
I love open houses! In fact, since getting engaged in January (yea!) it has become a favorite Sunday afternoon activity. We're trying to see a wide variety of properties and get a really good feel for where we want to start our family. Here's a stunning fact: of the 25 or so open houses I have ...
This post is an update to our series about the results people are getting with Happy Grasshopper. You may have read what fellow RainMakers Todd Clark and Nancy Fraser had to say about our automatic referral system. Today, we're featuring Jesse Sunday of Sarasota, Florida. Jesse is the IT pro a...
I received an email yesterday from Todd Clark, Active Rain's top point holder. He wanted to tell me that our new tool for Realtors actually works. He reported an 18% response rate - including a referral generating $17,200.00 in commission. Read on to learn what he has to say and how Happy Grass...