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Services for Real Estate Pros - Happy Grasshopper



Happy New Year!  Yesterday, I mentioned I would be writing about Planning to Plan, but an email from my mother this morning has pre-empted that message.  Here's what she had to say: We've had quite a decade as a family and we have much for which to give thanks.  I hope you will each take some tim...
Image from Toothpaste for DinnerI am ringing in the New Year by getting back to basics.  My plan, fill a notebook with the 30 most important skills/processes I must employ in the coming year to earn more referrals. I'll be posting each day to share what I'm doing and why. Day 1 - Create Process C...
I read a great blog post yesterday: To Newsletter or Not to Newsletter.  It was a wonderful example of how great ActiveRain members are at really sharing their own experiences and tips with one another.  Kristen's blog asked for advice on the kinds of newsletter content and sending strategies tha...
One of the most important things you can do for your real estate business is gain name recognition among a large group of people in your community.  You are probably working toward this each day with all sorts of activities. Business Networking Groups Social Events Signage Newspaper Advertising M...
Learn how to do it automatically, free for 30 days and with a guaranteed response.  **Make sure to take advantage of the special ActiveRain offer at the bottom.Two years ago my boss was the keynote speaker at the annual meeting of a well known training and development franchise.  They asked him t...

Happy Grasshopper

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